chapter 4

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The car pulled up at the police station. I was escorted to an interrogation room and left alone for no more than 3 minutes. A lady with a similar hair colour to Libi walked in. She had a black suit on with a pair of black heels. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail with two pieces that framed her face. Her amber eyes locked with mine. Next to her was a man with black hair and blue eyes. He looked like he was a few years older than the woman.

"well you're not who I was expecting." I mumbled to myself.

"I'm Detective Gray. You don't need to worry about my comrade here," she gestures to the man beside her, "I'm certain you already know detective Tsukauchi and his quirk, well my comrade has a similar one so...there is no point in lying."

Y/n: "Where is Tsukauchi anyway?"

Gray: "He is dealing with somethings that have to do with the recent attack on UA, not that it's any off your business."

In return, I roll my eyes.

Y/n: "Get to it then."
Like she said I knew about Tsukauchi but it wasn't a lot. I suppose I'll answer a few questions but not the ones that could lose me a battle.[I srsly can't rn that's the best it's gonna get.]

She begins to write on a piece of paper.

Gray: "What's your name?"

Y/n: "...y/n"

Gray: "y/n what?

Y/n: "l/n"

Gray: "what is your quirk and can you explain?"

Y/n: "no comment."

She looks at me for a few seconds before asking another question.

Gray: "Age?"

Y/n: "16."

Both of the detective's eyes widened for a second.

Gray: "Do you work alone."

Y/n "... Sometimes I work with my friends but mostly alone. I'm not going to tell you who or where they are though so don't even try."

She nods.

Gray: "You only kill people who have done wrong, am I correct?"

Y/n: "mhm."

Gray: "There is absolutely no information about you, can you tell us about your past?"

My breath hitches a bit.

"No. Is that all? If so what happens now, am I getting locked up or what?"

I look down at my hands and fiddle with the cuffs. The door behind me opens. A hybrid of a number of animals, including; a dog, a mouse, and a bear walks in. He is extremely short.

???: "Hello dear, I'm principal Nezu of UA high. We would like to offer you a position at our school."

The two heroes from the car walked in.

Nezu: "You train to become a hero just like the other students but you also protect them from other villain attacks. We believe there could be a mole in the school so you would also try to find them. For that reason you must not let them know what you are there for. Does that sound ok?"

Y/n: "What would I get out of this?"

Nezu: "You would earn the same amount of money as the teachers, a hero license and all of your crimes will be forgotten."

Y/n: "One more thing, my friends are also free. They will help me to catch the mole in return."

The room was silent for a few seconds before the principal nodded his head. A small smirk was visible on my face.

Y/n: "You've got yourself a deal, principal."


A few hours had passed. Me and the heroes finished discussing a few minor details and I was now heading back to Eraserhead's place. I wasn't allowed to go back to my place in case I tried to escape. I guess I could understand. I started my new mission the next day. All I could do was pray that the kids weren't brats.

Eraserhead: "We're here."

It looked like a family house. The walls were a light tan kind of colour with an orangey-browney coloured roof. There was also a small balcony on one side of it. On other side there were a few trees. It looked quite peaceful.

I got my phone out of my blazer pocket and found Masaaki's contact. I tell him that everything is ok and to meet me in a few minutes. He sends a location.

Y/n: "I'm going out quickly. See you soon Eraserhead."

Eraserhead: "Call me Aizawa, and no you're not, you can't be trusted yet."

Y/n: "Put a tracker on my phone or something then cause I'm going whether you like it or not."

He makes a sound of annoyance and then grabs my phone. He quickly downloads an app and links it to his phone.

Aizawa: "Just be quick and don't do anything illegal."

I 'tch' and walk away from the house to to location messaged to me.


I got to a park that me and the group used to hang out at. I see them sitting near the swings. Kin and Akua are sat in them and the rest on the floor. When they spot me their faces light up.

Ai: "Y/nnnn!!! You scared us! I live you to much and I thought you were gonna dieee!"

Ai continues to whine as she hugs me tight. I walk up to the swings and tip Kin off.

Kin: "ow... You bitch I was there first!"

Y/n: "Shut up and tell me you missed me."

I squash his face between my fingers and tease him some more with a smirk that doesn't leave my face. He just mumbles and swats my hands away.

Kin: "Such a bitch."

I roll my eyes.

Y/n: "Such a baby."

Everyone laughs including him. We talk for a bit before Masaaki asks why I told them to meet me.

Y/n: "Well, basically UA offered me a job. I have to find the mole and protect the students. I get paid the same as the teachers andddd... All of our crimes are forgotten if you help me. Of course you won't be in the school but just help."

Their eyes widen before they all cheer.

Samui: "You're the best boss and friend ever!"

He wrapps an arm around me. I had a massive grin across my face.

Y/n: "Oh... But we can't live together promise we will see or call every day, yeah?"

Everyone: "Promise!"

We all laugh for a bit and talk more. I bought a skyscraper type of building as close to where I was going to be staying as I could. The mission payments were big so luckily, I still had quite a lot of money left.

Y/n: "Guys, I just brought a new building for you to live in. It's close to me and big. I decided since we are free now, I should go all out. People will start to move our things tomorrow. Is that ok?"

Everyone nods. A stay a while longer before I start to head back to Aizawa's. I still hadn't seen the inside of his house yet so I was quite excited.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, I could just feel it.

1196 words


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