Chapter 23

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"Your father was a villain."


He started to laugh again.

"He did love you though, if that helps."

I managed to pull myself up and land a harsh punch to his face. His body goes limp but I can still see his chest falling and rising.

'If only you knew how much I wanted to stab you-'

I fall back down. Tears are falling down my face and I sob out loud. I'd been through shit but this was the worst pain. I brought an arm up and covered my face while my other one punched the ground, splitting my knuckles slightly. My mind was racing. Thoughts of death, memories of the last few months, memories of my team and thoughts about my parents. I screamed and cried into the night sky for what felt like hours. The pain was horrendous.

The sound of the helicopters sounded more distant than they were. Dozens of sirens were going off. Shouts from my friends and also shouts from someone who had just appeared. Aizawa.

I saw over 20 figures running towards me. Once they were closer I saw my friends. My family. Aizawa kneeled down and hugged me while everyone else either stood or sat around us. I saw a drop of water next to me. My father figure was crying. If this was a different situation, I would probably say something about it but it felt nice to know he cared. Everyone around me did. Even after they got told who I was, they still cared.

Aizawa: "Please Y/n. Stay with me."

He was playing with my hair and rubbing circles on my back. It was comforting.

Y/n: " remember me?"

Aizawa: "What are you on about now?"

I chuckled lightly.

Y/n: "If I die... please remember me. And please live. If you live do I."

I smile at everyone. I hear a few sniffs.

Libi: "Don't say that! You can't die! You said you'd be fine! Why did you lie to me!?"

She was crying while saying all of it so I knew she wasn't taking this well.

?: "Everyone, move! We need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Y/n: "No. I wanna stay with you guys."

Aizawa: "You'll see us soon. It's ok."

Y/n: "No!"

Akua squeezed my hand.

Y/n: "Please, I'm scared."

?: "It's ok sweetie. We'll take care of you. I promise you will all see each other again soon-"

That's all I heard before everything went dark.

*3rd person*

?: "Quickly! We're loosing her!"

Y/n had passed out and was rushed into the closest hospital along with All Might. The media was loving this. All ready, there were thousands of stories about the brave young girl who saved the world. That girl also happened to be the notorious Slash. The students were all escorted home. Aizawa and the vigilante group were sitting in a waiting room. Samui was trying to console his sister while also trying to keep his emotions in check. Kin had his arms wrapped around Ai, a few sniffles coming from the pair. Both Aizawa and Masaaki had their heads in their hands. They were pretty quiet. Libitina had walked off a while ago and no one had seen her.

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