Chapter 24

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It had been around a week since Y/n had fallen into a coma. For the meantime, there wasn't indications of her waking up anytime soon. 1-A was like a different class. People didn't talk as much as they used to and smiles seemed fake. Aizawa slept even more than he did before the incident. All Might was a lot better than he was that night but he carried an enormous amount of guilt. Her old friends and her team hadn't been spotted even though they were now protected and there was no risk of arrest.

The news and reporters didn't stop or allow anyone time to mourn. There was always a crowd outside the gates of UA. The public were shocked to learn that their saviour was the infamous Slash.

"The schools getting a lot of backlash-" The teachers were having a meeting about the events. A ringtone echoed through the room.

"Sorry." Aizawa mumbled. He pulled the phone out of his pocket. He was about to hang up but when he realised who it was, his finger went straight to answer.

"H-hello? What's happening?" He rushed to ask.

"Eraserhead...Miss L/ woke up..."

His phone fell from his ear. It bounced of the table to the floor.

"Hey? What's wrong?" Present Mic asks with concern.

"She wo-woke up." His eyes were wide. A small smile was spread across his lips. Everyone in the room looked at the man with pure shock.

"You're dismissed. Please call her team, too." Nezu said.

The scruffy man nodded and ran out the room. On the way, he rang her old friends and told them the news. They all made their way to the hospital.

"Eraserhead! Please, come this way!" A doctor waved to the hero. They walked down the long halls of the hospital. Eventually, they arrived at a familiar door. The doctor opened the door, the girls head instantly turning in that direction.


"Y/n...thank god." The girl gave him a wide smile. He tried to hold back his tears.

"Y/n!" Ai's voice screeched. The door slammed open a second later. The usually bubbly newcomer threw herself at the h/c girl. The rest of the team came in after, panting.

"We missed you." They all sighed at the same time.


It'd been a while since you'd woke up. Only UA staff and your team knew. You'd had them visit everyday. That wouldn't be necessary anymore though. You were finally going home.

You packed up the last of your belongings before walking out of the hospital room. Aizawa greeted you as you closed the door behind you. The both of you walked over to the reception desk. He signed a few papers while you, some doctors, nurses and patients spoke. They thanked you a lot.

"Time to go." Aizawa tapped your shoulder.

"It's been a pleasure talking to you all. Thank you for looking after me."

"It was an honour! Thank you for saving us!" Everyone shouted while bowing.

You gave them a nod, not sure what else to do. You and your guardian exited the hospital and walked to his car. While driving through the city, you noticed a few screens had you leaving the hospital on them. The public rejoiced at their saviours recovery.

"How embarrassing..." You hear Aizawa laugh.

"What'cha expect. You saved everyone." You shrugged your shoulders and continued to watch the world passed by.

Your phone had been going off non stop. It was messages from your friends and classmates.

"Hey, I wanna talk to All For One."

He didn't respond for a few seconds. Instead, he took a deep breath.

"Are you sure? He almost killed you."

"I thought I through. All I want to do is talk."

"I'll see what I can do."

"When can I go back to school?"

"Tomorrow. But you don't have to."

"I want to see my friends. I'll go."

The rest of the drive was quiet. It was peaceful.


You'd gone to school the next day. Class 1a had gone back to their cheerful selves. Even Bakugo seemed happier. Shinso was relived when he saw you.

You had told them about your past. They accepted you, that made you happy. Everyone was extremely impressed with your skills and they didn't fail to make it obvious. You became known around the world and gained a lot of fans. You being Slash before a hero didn't seem to bother people much. You'd saved them and that's all they really cared about.

You had managed to get to talk with the villain you defeated. He told you how both your parents had been villains but your mother quit when you were born. In the beginning, you were slightly resentful of them. If they hadn't done that profession, that villain may have speared them. They took innocent peoples lives. After time, you forgave them. They had good hearts.

He told you that they had actually been forced by their parents and when they hot older, they didn't know what else to do. You felt bad.

After a few years, you became the most well known hero in Japan. Your team accompanied you on that journey. Aizawa was so proud of you became number one. It made you feel so special. You'd began to call him dad a few days after leaving the hospital. He had became that figure for you. You made sure he lived the most comfortable life imaginable.

You and you UA friends stayed close through the years. You never went more than 2 weeks without seeing eachother. All of them had created big names for themselves.

Your life became better than you could ever imagen. You'd managed to open up and except help from time to time. These were the people you had to thank. long as you vowed to

Protect them

Hey there lovlies. That is the end of this book. It's pretty shit but I kinda just got bored. I'm working on another book at the moment. It's a crossover between bnha and aot. Yk cause I've started books about them....

Anyway I hope this book was alright. I'm sorry for the anticlimactic ending! I should be publishing the first few chapters of the mentioned book soon. If you're interested, please check for when I release it.

Thank you so much for the reads and votes. I love you all soooo much! 💟💟💟

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