Chapter 18

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Sorry for starting with this! I'm straying away from the storyline quite a lot from now on but I hope you enjoy it still! <3


"Get ready guys! This will be the most important mission we've had! I expect you to do your best! Protect them at all costs!" I say, walking towards All For One.

Mina: "Y/n! Please! Come back! You're my best friend! You can't leave me!"

She was crying.

Akua: "Please don't die y/n! We love you!"

A tear dropped off of my face. I wiped it quickly and picked up the pace.


Y/n: "Don't touch him!"

All For One: "Ah. Y/n. There you are. Don't think about leaving like that friend of yours."

Y/n: "I don't plan to! Move away from him, you piece of shit!"

All For One: "He's an obstacle. Obstacles need to be destroyed."

He takes another step towards the unconscious All Might. I start to run. Once I'm close enough, I send a kick his way. He grabs my leg and sighs. He throws me into a building, similar to what he was doing earlier with All Might.

All For One: "I see. You're going to be a problem. I guess you've made your decision about not joining me so I have no use for you. I will kill you."

I jump back up. I was slightly dazed but I had to keep going.

All For One: "It shouldn't be hard. You were never good enough, were you?"

Y/n: "So you don't think I'm worth your time!?"

All For One: "Correct. You never were."

Y/n: "So what if I'm not everything you wanted me to be!? I don't give a shit! I'm more than you will ever be! I'm more than you can ever wish to be, dammit!"

I run at him again. This time, I dodge a punch and get a kick in. He wobbles slightly. His battle with All Might has weakened him.

Y/n: "When you treat me like shit, it pushes me to be better! Every time you break me, I will get stronger! You understand!?"

All For One: "You've certainly got a lot more fistey."

He sends a blast. It was strong but his strength was deteriorating. Unfortunately, the same could be said for me. I hadn't even got a good hit yet.

All For One: "You say all of this as if you're a hero. We both know you're not. You've stripped people of their life. That isn't heroic."

Y/n: "You don't think I know that!? You can't have a say in it though! You did it to me! You made me the monster or whatever I am! When I got away from you, I was happy! Something I never thought I could be again!"

All For One: "You don't deserve happiness."

Y/n: "I thought that too but then I realized that you made me miserable for a big part of my life so I did deserve happiness! Even if it was just a bit! It's you who doesn't deserve happiness! Not me!"

He laughs and sends another blast. I fall to the ground in an attempt to stay where I was. It worked and I got back up again. I threw a knife but he caught it and sent it back. It was so fast that it looked like a blur. It sliced my cheek but not enough to leave a scar.

All For One: "Just give up Y/n. You know you can't do it."

I clench my fist and bite the inside of my cheek. He was right. If All Might couldn't do it, what chance do I have. He smirks at me, knowing he had got in my head. He looked at the group standing behind me. I followed his gaze and knew what he was planning.

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