Chapter 22

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Quick reminder of Arrow 7 quirks:
(see chapter 2 for a more indephth description)

Akua- Can control water she drank within the last 24hours.
drawback: dehydration and ocassionally dry skin.

Samui- Same as his sister but the water turns to ice .
drawbacks: dehydration. If used to much bleeds from pores and can get frostbite.

Libitina- Can summon and talk to the dead. Can use the underworld to teleport. Can capture and free souls.
Can be dangerous if a villain somehow had control of it, takes a lot of concentration if used for something big or new

Masaaki- Quirkless but insanley smart and trained well in hand to hand combat, first aid and has weaponary skills. Invents a lot of things that help the oters in missions.

Kin- Can turn things he touches into gold, this includes himself, for 5-15 minutes. Great for strength and protection.

Ai- Can summon a bow with enchanted arrows that make her target fall in love with her. They do whatever she commands.

We were all in our arrow position. The members all had a smug look on their face, knowing they had compelled their boss into letting them join the battle.
I, on the other hand, didn't look to thrilled with the idea.

All For One: "Tell me, Y/n, why are you no longer afraid? Did you forget?"

Y/n: "I was a fool back then. A lonely fool. I've gotten stronger and I have a family now. And no, I didn't forget. Those memories will forever haunt me but...I won't let them stop me."

All For One: "No. I think you have forgotten. If so you would run. Run whilst you still can."

Y/n: "I think about you and all you did to me a lot more than I thought I would. When I was little, I didn't realize I had other options. I didn't need to stay with you. I will make you pay. Not just for what you did to me, but to others as well. I'll do this because I don't wanna be afraid anymore!"

I run forward and my group follows.

All For One: "That's it! Show me some power!"

Y/n: "Oh don't worry! Power is exactly what you'll see."

*All For One pov:

'Finally, a real fight. I need to find out what everyone's quirks are. If I get cut by Y/n, it'll be over.'


I can read him like a book. He'll try avoiding me while also trying to figure out the team's quirks. I'll use that.

Y/n: "He'll try and figure out your quirks. Take that in and use them with caution."

"Yes boss!"

Samui and Kin use their quirks simultaneously. The ice and gold restrict his movements for a few seconds but me manages to break free. Libitina summons a few spirits behind him which all go in for an attack. Libi stays where she is while her quick is active since she is concentrating. The souls land a big hit and All For One flies towards us slightly. I speed up and manage to get to him first.

I draw a sword out and swing it. He manages to dodge. Akua puts a water wall behind him and he falls forward. I bring my blade up and then back down on him. He grabs it with his hand and manages to snap it and throw it away from us. I see an arrow flying at us so I jump behind him. Unfortunately he sees it too and grabs it. He goes to stab me with it but I grab his arm and take out his knees. He rolls away and jumps back up.

I go in with a smaller knife but he kicks my rib. I fly into some ruins of a building. Tears brim the corner of my eyes. Shit. That one hurt. Like a lot. I peeled myself off the floor and ran back over. He seemed to be distracted with Ai and Kin so I decided to sneak attack him.

Yeah... Bad idea. I could tell he sensed me when he bought his arm up. I know this move.

Y/n: "Everyone! Run! Shit shit shitt!"

They were confused by my orders. No one had been hurt. Once they spotted my desperate face they did as I said.

Y/n: "Libi! Teleport everyone, including All Might, back to the students and then run a bit!"

Libi: "Two people will be left behind! I'd be over my limit!"

Y/n: "Leave me! Samui! Make an ice slope for yourself!"

He nods and sets off.

Libi: "I can't leave you Y/n! I don't know what's going to happen, but it seems bad!"

Y/n: "I'll be fine! Now leave dammit! Don't let me down! Ask Masaaki if he has anything to cover you all!"

She did as I said. I thought I saw a tear slipping off her face. I think deep down she knew what was about to happen. I looked at All For One. He was glowing red. This was one of his most powerful quirks. He didn't use it often since it could kill him if he uses it for too long. It was the same similar to the one that killed my father only the spikes were smaller and shot like bullets. Once embedded into the body, they grow and stab through other parts. They were a bit like roots.

His features were no longer visible. It was just red. He brought his arm down. A huge burst of power radiates off him. The power alone hurt. I hadn't even been hit. So far, I was dodging them. A few grazed me but flew past.

All For One: "Y/n, just stop. This will be a sorrowful death otherwise."

I ran faster, not knowing how much longer I could last. I screamed out of pure agony. One had landed in my stomach. Tears rolled down my face. If I didn't stop him, it could stab a lung, heart, etc.

I could literally see him. I jumped and tackled him to the ground I pulled out a knife and dragged it down his skin. I licked the blood and everything stopped. I looked down at myself. The spike was quite large. It had pierced right through my clothes and through my skin. Blood dripped from it in a steady stream. Do I take it out?

I collapsed next to his comatose body and heard him groan. My eyes went wide and my body tensed. Luckily he wasn't moving. I wasn't as strong as usual right now so he could probably only speak.

All For One: "I'm... proud."

Y/n: "Shut your damn mouth you... bastard."

All For One: "I want to tell last thing."

He began to laugh. Whatever he was about to say wasn't going to be good.

"Your father was a villain."

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