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THE COLD NOVEMBER air prickles my skin as the puddles from the rainstorm that had happened earlier tonight stain my white converse. I always enjoyed the hours after it rains; something about the post-rain scent and the streetlights reflecting off the puddles is so ethereal.

I was walking down Vesper Street, the street most infamous for having the most victims of molestation in my town. Most people would think me walking down this street at this time of night is utterly ridiculous, but I've never been scared of Vesper Street. It was a beautiful street. The streetlights were so bright and always glowed in a certain way after a rainstorm, which is why I'm out here.

I look down at my feet, not caring about the puddles getting my converse dirty. They were already dirty anyways. It was a windy night, so my hair was pulled back. I had no reason to be out here, but my mom was asleep, so I figured I'd come for a walk.

I continue to stare down at my feet until I clash right into someone's chest, causing my head to look up immediately. Before I can even apologize, their death flashes before my eyes.

I see a girl with fair blonde hair getting her throat slit in the middle of a dark alleyway.. tonight.

I slam my eyes shut, leaving them closed for a second or two before opening them again, relieved when that image is no longer in my head. I was looking into her eyes now, her eyes that looked so innocent.

She looked to be around her mid thirties. She was very pretty, an apologetic expression on her face.

"I'm so sorry, honey! That was my fault, but what's a girl like you doing on a street like this so late at night?" She asks, her voice quavering.

She was definitely a mother.

I furrow my eyebrows, unsure of what to say. "Walking." Is the only thing I can come up with. She looks confused beyond belief.

"Well, I should get on my way. My husband is waiting for me." She tells me, beginning to walk away before I speak again.

"Don't you have a car? It's awfully wet out here, and your shoes look expensive." I point out, looking down at her stilettos. She looked like she was on her way back from work or something, but it was nearly midnight.

"I do, but my husband needed it today. It's no problem. Stay safe, sweetheart." She tells me before turning around and walking away, her heels clacking against the sidewalk.

I begin to follow her, grateful my shoes aren't loud. I was not about to let this girl get murdered.

Some of the streetlights flicker as a big gust of wind makes me shiver and stop walking for a second. I see the girl I was following stumble a little bit before I see her get dragged down an alleyway.

I try my hardest to run through the giant winds and eventually make it to the alleyway she was dragged down. I rest my back against the brick wall next to the alleyway before peeking my head down there to see if there was any way I could help, but distraught takes over my body as I see her lifeless body on the ground, causing a puddle of blood to form down the alleyway.

I slap my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from yelling, only for my eyes to widen when the person who killed her meets my eyes. My eyes trail down to his hand, only to them holding a switchblade with blood dripping off of it.

"Shit," I whisper, removing my hand from my mouth as I waste no time in turning around and getting the hell out of there.

My shoes were no longer quiet as I run down the street, my hands that were in the pocket of my hoodie falling out and returning to my sides as I look over my shoulder, seeing the person who killed her running after me, their switchblade still dripping with blood.

I reach my hands back and take my hair out of the ponytail and unzip my hoodie, leaving it on the ground somewhere. I was wearing a tank top underneath, so it wasn't the most suitable attire for cold, windy weather but it was better than getting grabbed by my hood or my hair getting pulled.

I reach into the pocket of my sweatpants and pull out my pepper spray, continuing to run down Vesper Street. I take a right turn and quickly jump a fence to hide behind a bush before they turn the corner.

I hear footsteps run past me and further down the street I turned onto, causing me to sigh in relief. I've been through enough of these situations to know how to lose someone.

I'm not normal, and I know that. I know I could die trying to save people, but I don't care. I feel a tear slip out of my eye reminiscing on that blonde girl I could've saved. God, why didn't I say something? Why didn't I help? I could've saved her, I fucking could've. I chose not to say anything. That's my fault. Her family now has to suffer and grieve because of me.

I quickly wipe the tear away, remaining behind the bush. Once I decide I've been hiding for long enough, I get up from the bush and walk back down Vesper Street to grab the hoodie I dropped. It was wet since I dropped it in a puddle, but I didn't care. Once my hoodie was back on, I begin to walk the way towards my house. I pull out my phone, and dial 911.

"I just witnessed a murder."



sorry this was short lol its just the prologue to give u a little insight on what nini can do, next chapter will be longer i promise! im rlly excited for this au and i hope yall are too:)

SCARLETT SPECULATES: on the topic of being unordinary and having powers... what superpower would u like to have?

MY ANSWER: invisibility bro imagine the pranks you could pull with that

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