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"DO YOU THINK we should go check on him?" Ej questions after about an hour of silence mixed with small talk

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"DO YOU THINK we should go check on him?" Ej questions after about an hour of silence mixed with small talk. We left Ricky alone after he begged us to let him clean his cut himself, and we haven't heard a thing from him since.

"I don't know, he said he would call us in when he was ready." I reply, taking a sip of what feels like my hundredth glass of water.

"Yeah, but Nini, he's been silent since we left. He's also like, high out of his mind, so the silence is making me nervous." He huffs, lightly pacing around the kitchen.

"What do you think he took? It's definitely something stronger than weed because this is the worst I've seen him." I cross my arms, trying my hardest to think about a strong drug that he would have access too.

"I've got no idea. LSD, maybe? Whatever he took, he definitely got it from his dad. I'm not that focused on what he took, I'm more concerned on why he took it." Ej explains. "I'm gonna go check on him."

"Wait!" I stop him before he can walk away, causing him to turn his head over his shoulder to look at me confusedly. "Let me check on him."

Ej furrows his eyebrows, "Why can't we both go in there?"

"Just let me go in first. You were kinda cornering him earlier with the whole shirt thing so he might be stressed when he sees you." I reason, getting an eye roll from Ej in response.

"Go ahead. It's not like I'm basically his brother or anything, but whatever. Girlfriends come first." Ej teases.

I playfully punch his shoulder and walk past him, lightly walking over to the room Ricky was in. I take a deep breath before walking in there, trying to ignore my nerves regarding what I was gonna see when I walked in.

"Ricky?" I softly call out, walking further into the room. I then see him still lying down on the couch, eyes closed and on his side with a blanket covering him. Well, now I know why he hasn't said anything.

I smile a bit, silently admiring him for a minute. The rain from earlier had stopped and now there was sunlight seeping through from a window, illuminating a certain part of his face, making the blonde highlights in his hair pop out a bit more than usual. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, which is something I rarely ever see Ricky be. Peaceful.

He really is a gorgeous boy. I just wish his eyes were open, because I just love the way his usual chocolate brown eyes turn into honey when they're in the sunlight. Along with that I love the way his hair lights up and how the sunlight accentuates his features. I just love...

I shake my head, ridding myself of my thoughts before stepping forward towards Ricky. I really do hate to wake him up from his slumber which he desperately needs, but I just want to make sure he's okay and get some water in him.

"Hey," I murmur, getting down on my knees in front of the couch so I was level with him. I lightly shake him a bit in an attempt to wake him up. I continue to shake him until I see him start to stir a bit. "Ricky?"

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