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i'm so sorry for the wait! to refresh your memory i recommend skimming over the previous chapter :)

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i'm so sorry for the wait! to refresh your memory i recommend skimming over the previous chapter :)

Ricky's Pov


I ALWAYS THOUGHT I would end up in the back of a cop car one day, but I never thought it would be for this reason.

I actually feel like an inmate. The windows are super tinted with bars over them and everything back here is gray and dull. Not to mention the front seats are barred off as well, which only adds to my feelings of being an inmate. Might as well have me take a mugshot or something, damn.

I also can't even sit comfortably against the seat since my hands are cuffed behind my back. The only sound in this vehicle was the sound of the engine, like the least this dipshit could do is play some music or something. The silence is actually ear-splitting.

I don't even know how long we've been driving, but it feels like days. I also don't have my phone, I left it at Ej's house. Can't even play Flappy Bird in the waiting room or anything.

This car smells like oil. It's like, actually gross. I wouldn't doubt it if this cop dude has an oil leak, he seems like the type to not get his oil changed. I sigh, looking around for anything in the car that might be able to pass the time.

I honestly hope this guy drives this car off a bridge. It'd be better than going to the cop station and facing the inevitable. Ej's going to get his karma, and I hope it bites him in the ass. Why would he do this to me? Best friend my ass. I should've knocked him out.

Whatever, I don't have anything to be scared about anyways. I don't get abused. If I tell them I don't get abused, they shouldn't have anything else to say and will let me go without alerting my dad.

Suddenly the car stops, and the cop gets out. A brief second after he got out he opens my door and grabs my arm, as if I can't get out of the car on my own, and pulls me out. I think this guy has got a crush on me or something, seriously. He keeps grabbing my biceps and stuff, like if you think I'm muscular just say so. No shame.

"Listen buddy, I can walk on my own. You see these legs? I work them out every once and a while, y'know? It's called leg day? Anyways, my legs work. You don't need to drag me everywhere." I taunt, only for my attempt to get him to let go of me winds up useless as all I get is an eye roll. Okay, asshole. Fuck you too.

He continues to walk me like a fucking dog throughout the parking lot. I wouldn't be surprised if he puts a leash on me next, like damn.

We eventually arrive at some side entrance of the police station, so he scans his badge and the doors unlock. We walk inside, or rather he walks inside, and I'm forced to follow behind. The walls were white accompanied by overwhelming fluorescent lights. Like, the type that give you a headache. It literally felt like an insane asylum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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