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MY HEART WAS racing as I raced down the court, dribbling the ball with sweat dripping down my forehead. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as the hoop gets closer and closer with every step I take. The sound of my shoes squeaking against the court as I ran was deafening. I hear the claps and screams of the audience as I maneuver my way around my opponents. I bite my bottom lip, and shoot.

It felt as if everything was going in slow motion at that point. With five seconds left on the clock, my eyes watch the ball with nerves. All my nerves go away and are replaced with relief as the ball swiftly falls into the hoop.

The scoreboard buzzes, indicating the end of the game as the crowd of people in the bleachers go wild. It was the first game of the season, and I scored the winning point. It felt pretty damn good. I turn around to face my teammates with a smile on my face.

"Alright ladies! Circle up!" My coach, Jenn instructs as she walks out onto the court. My teammates get into a circle with our arms wrapped around each other, all of us breathing pretty heavily.

Basketball is a limited contact sport, which is why I have no problem playing it. Once I touch someone and see their death, it never happens again to the same person. I know how everyone on my team is going to die. Some of them are worse than others.

"Great job tonight to all of you. The first game of the season is always important. I say we all go out for pizza tomorrow night at Slices to celebrate!" Jenn proposes as nods of approval emerge from the huddle. "Nini's paying!" Jenn decides before walking away. My team laughs as I roll my eyes, even though I knew this was Jenn's way of saying good job.

I get numerous high fives and pats on the shoulder by my teammates before we all head into the locker room. I reach into my bag and grab my water bottle, taking a sip before putting it back in my bag. "Nini, you killed it out there!" A voice exclaims, and I already know who this is.

I look up from my bag and make eye contact with my fucking soulmate, Gina Porter. "Thanks, Gi. You did good too." I nudge her shoulder as I lift the top of my basketball uniform up and over my head, grabbing the sweatshirt I packed and slipping it over my head.

"Did you see Lilys face when you scored the last shot?" Gina asks through her giggles, a smug smile on her face.

I shake my head, "No, I was too busy being a winner. What'd she look like?" I reply, slipping off the bottom of my basketball uniform and putting on my sweatpants.

"She looked so pissed off." Gina tells me and I audibly laugh. Lily is one of my teammates who thinks the whole world revolves around her. Little does she know, she's going to die from a seizure in her mid 40's.

Gina pats my shoulder before walking past me to go change. I grab my hair brush out of my bag and walk in front of the mirror that was in the locker room. I take my hair down from the tight ass ponytail it was in and begin to brush it out. Once I'm satisfied with my hair, I put my brush back in my bag and zip it up before slinging it over my shoulder. I walk out of the locker room and into the lobby of my school where some music was playing.

𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶. [𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘢𝘶]Where stories live. Discover now