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IN A FLASH, I was running once again

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IN A FLASH, I was running once again. Running as fast as I could in the snow away from the van. Again. It was happening again. I felt the same fear I felt earlier. The same breathlessness. I was back in that scenario. Only this time, there was no Ricky.

I was back on the street Ricky got me on, but I didn't see the headlights of his Tesla coming to save me. So, I kept running. I ran, and I ran, and I ran, until I couldn't anymore. I fell.

I flip onto my back, so I was facing the van. There was a guy walking towards me, making my heartrate burst through the roof. I try to get up, but I couldn't. It was like I was paralyzed, lying there in the middle of the street. I was helpless. There was nothing I could do. He got me.

My eyes fly open as my body jolts upright, my breaths heavy. When I notice I was not in my bedroom, I initially start to panic, until I remember I was at Ricky's house.

I place my hand over my heart, trying to steady my breaths. Every time I close my eyes, I remember running and being terrified. I remember thinking I was going to die.

I look over and see Ricky asleep in the chair, still clad in his tee shirt and sweatpants. How can he sleep like that? I'd be sweating my ass off.

I didn't want to wake up Ricky, so instead I lay back down and roll over to my side to try and fall back asleep. However, once I closed my eyes, I was brought back to the dream I had. I felt the same fear and panic, causing my eyes to open. This is definitely going to be a sleepless night.

I roll over onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I totally forgot to tell my mom I was spending the night here. I also have school tomorrow. Is Ricky going to drop me off at my house first or are we going to pull up at school together? That would look weird.

I roll over a couple more times before sitting upright again, my back against the headboard. I literally can't sleep. I lean over and grab my phone which I had placed on Ricky's bedside table. It was nearly 2:30 in the morning. I should not be awake right now.

I open up my messages and text the only person I know who might be able to have a remedy for not being able to sleep. I doubt he'd be awake, but it's still worth a shot.

I opened up my text thread with Ej and sent him, "Hey. Can't sleep, any tips?" I place my phone down next to me and stare at nothing in particular until I feel my phone buzz. Damn, that was actually quick. I thought he'd be sleeping.

His text read, "Meditate." I roll my eyes, knowing he was being sarcastic. I was in no mood for sarcasm right now. All I wanted to do was fall asleep.

"Serious answers only, please." I text back, watching my screen as I await his reply.

"Drink something warm or read a book." He advises. "Or you could go climb in bed with your mom. Sleeping next to someone provides a form of comfort and can actually make it easier to fall asleep."

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