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I WALK OUTSIDE my house to wait for Ricky on my porch, only to see his black tesla already in my driveway

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I WALK OUTSIDE my house to wait for Ricky on my porch, only to see his black tesla already in my driveway. He must be blasting music on the radio because I could literally hear whatever he was playing.

I know that this is no big deal, and that it's a normal thing for friends to hang out. However, if I said I wasn't nervous at all, that would be a total lie.

I calm my nerves and step off my porch and down my driveway to where Ricky was parked. I open the passenger door, only to slam it once I am met with extremely loud music.

"Jesus, Ricky! Turn it down!" I shout, opening the door so he could hear me. It was some popular 80's rock song that he felt the need to literally blast and rupture my eardrums.

"Turn it up? Okay!" He replies, reaching his hand over and turning up the already blasting song.

"Ricky! This is going to give me a headache, seriously! Turn it down!" I demand, glaring at him when I see that he was finding amusement in this.

"Ugh, you are no fun." He finally turns the song down to a tolerable level before turning his head to look at me, "There. Now stop bitching and get in the car, sweetheart."

I smugly smile and get into the passenger seat of his car, closing the door once I'm in. I buckle the seatbelt as Ricky pulls out of my driveway and begins the drive to his house.

I see his hand go for the volume button on the radio but I slap his hand away. "This is a good volume. I don't understand why you had it blasting."

"Um, you can't listen to 80's rock and not blast it. What kind of music do you listen to?" He asks, sending me a judgmental look. I notice that he was driving with his left hand only and resting his right one on the center console. Driving with one hand is so attractive for no reason.

I shrug my shoulders, leaning back into the seat. "Pop, I guess."

Ricky scoffs, "Of course you do. No surprise there."

"Whatever, just drive." I roll my eyes, turning my head away from him to look out the window. I was a little excited to see where he lived. I wonder what his bedroom looks like. Why am I thinking about his bedroom? Is that weird? That's definitely weird. Does he think about my bedroom? I don't know. I need to shut up.

"Do you think about my bedroom?" I blurt, cringing as soon as I realize what I had said. I really need to work on keeping my thoughts in my head and not vocalizing them

He turns his head towards me, once again sending me one of those judgmental looks. "Not really."

I stay silent for the rest of the ride, until I notice him turning onto the street that leads into the rich neighborhood. Is he rich?

Eventually he pulls into the driveway of a very nice two-story home. I should've known he was rich when I saw that he drove a tesla.

Ricky puts the car in park and exits the car, me following after. "Gosh, my house looks like a shed compared to this. You didn't tell me you were rich."

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