𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 + 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴

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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

elena now stood next to phoebe in front of vicki's lifeless body.

phoebe was covering her wounds as she glanced back at jeremy, who was staring at vicki's body, devastation written all over his face.

she drifted her eyes to elena; shock was written all over her face,''stefan, get them out of here''.

elena snapped her head towards phoebe, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "phoebe-"

"elena, go. go take care of your brother" phoebe told the girl, with a nod toward jeremy.

elena hesitated for a moment, but complied as did stefan, but not before giving the dawson girl one concerned glance before walking away with the gilbert siblings, getting his phone out to call damon.

as soon as they were out of earshot, phoebe looked back down at the body of a person she once knew and soon tears started swelling up in her eyes, clouding her vision.

no sound came from her when the tears decided to fall down her face as she began to carefully kneel on her knees down to the ground next to vicki.

she reached her shaking hand out to touch her, but pulled it back, just crying.


damon had just arrived to the scene.

phoebe was just staring at vicki's body, her eyes red from crying so much.

"you two should go. i got this''.

phoebe glared up at damon standing up to her feet,"you did this. this is your fault''.

''you confuse me for someone with remorse'' he stated, bluntly and care-free.

phoebe stepped up angrily and pushed damon back but he didn't budge.

she then went to slap him but he caught her hand before it could make contact with his face.

the teen grunted as damon pushed her hand down,''none of this matters to me, none of it'' he let go of her hand.

''people die around you. how could it not matter? it matters, and you know it'' phoebe spat at him before slapping him across the face making damon enraged.

he turned his head slowly back to her, effing at her; she didn't even flinch.

''you don't scared me'' phoebe looked damon with so much disgust and hatred.

''mmm. you two need to leave. your wounds are bleeding, and you need to leave'' damon warned the girl.

phoebe took one last glance at vicki's body before turning and walking away.

the girl was walking to the parking lot very distraught and tired.

''phoebe! hey, have you seen--'' matt ran up to his the dawson girl, causing her to stop and turn to him, he then noticed the blood spot on phoebe's side and the blood running down her arm,''whoa. wh-what happened?''

''nothing. some idiot with fake blood got me. i'm gonna go home and shower'' phoebe played it off, turning to leave again, not wanting to face the blonde after what just happened, but he stopped her.

''i-i can't find vicki. she totally bailed on me''.

phoebe quickly came up with a lie, even though it was very hard to do it,"i don't know where she is''.

he nodded,''is this what i'm in for, a lifetime of worrying about her?''

''you're a good brother, matt'' phoebe told him with a small smile.

''yeah. maybe she went home'' matt suggested.

''yeah, maybe'' she nodded, holding down the rising sadness in her chest and lump in her throat.

matt then left, leaving phoebe to walk to her car with tears in their eyes.

as soon as she got in the car, she broke down.


phoebe punched the steering wheel a few times, sobbing over the death of vicki donovan and everything that followed shortly, hereafter.


when phoebe made it home, she was met with darkness.

she made her way upstairs and checked her mom's room to see if she was in there, and she was.

the dawson girl smiled softly through her own distress at her mother's sleeping figure before closing the door again and making her way to her room.

once inside she closed the door behind her and turned on the light.

phoebe leaned against the door and gasped out, a huge lump in her throat, going over all the events that happened that night, she slid down to the ground and broke down in more tears.

outside on the porch, stefan sat on the bench, listening to phoebe's cries, himself feeling tears swell up in his own eyes.

he never wanted the girl to experience what she did tonight.

he wanted to protect her but he couldn't and that made him feel even worse.

back inside, phoebe had managed to clean up her side, bandage it, and change out of her bloodied costume, into something more comfortable.

the girl moved to sit down on her bed, she took a shaky deep breath in and exhaled it, switching off the lamp and climbing under the covers.

she turned over on her good side and fell asleep, not knowing stefan was just on the porch watching over her.

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