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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

IT WAS night when phoebe was laying on her bed with stefan, still wondering about the vampire she hit on the road,''stefan, who was that man in the road?'' she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

''i don't know. do you remember anything else about him?''

''i wish" phoebe let out a sigh,"never really saw his face. he was wearing a hoodie. all i remember is that there was these black boots coming towards me'' she said, trying her best to explain what she did see, which wasn't much.

''i brought some vervain for, um--you and your mom'' stefan retracted, changing the subject as he sat up on the bed, reaching a thin brown wooden box out of his bag.

he placed it on the bed and opened it as phoebe decided to sit up on the bed as well,''and, um, i made this bracelet for jeremy, few extra ones for friends'' he took out a hand-crafted bracelet and handed to phoebe, along with little pieces of vervain,''you can put it in jewelry or you can even put it in food or drinks, but as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you'' he then placed a little vial of vervain in her hand.

''wow. so much to remember'' phoebe inhaled, picking up a portion of the vervain plant.

''i know, but there's another vampire in town, so until we find out who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful'' stefan sent a nod toward the dawson girl, just wanting her and the people she cares about to be safe and this is the best way to do it.

the teen returned the nod, assuring him she understood.

downstairs, the door bell's ring was heard by vanessa, who was in the living room watching a movie and eating popcorn.

she glanced back at the door with a sigh before placing the bucket of popcorn down on the table and got up from the couch, making her way to the front door.

she opened it to see a young man delivering pizza,''hey. it's gonna be $22''.

''uh, okay" vanessa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to who ordered a pizza, but she soon brushed it off, figuring it must have been phoebe for her and stefan,"i have to go get my purse, but please come in. you can just set it on the table'' she sent him a soft smile before turning and rushing up the stairs to get her purse from her room.

the young man hesitantly stepped over the threshold of the house.

he placed the pizza on a table in the corner beside the door with a lamp on it and looked around the house.

seconds later, vanessa came back down with the cash in her hand and saw the man exactly where she left him,''here you go. keep the change'' she handed the man the money with a smile.

''thanks. and you have yourself a good night'' the man moved back outside.

vanessa nodded and sent him a soft smile in thanks, before closing the door.

outside the man turned and slipped his hood on his head before walking off.



the next day at school, outside, elena, caroline, and phoebe were walking to a table to eat their lunch afrer phoebe had just given caroline a necklace laced with vervain.

"it's so pretty" the blonde admired the necklace, receiving a warm smile from phoebe,"thank you. god, it'll go with, like, everything. what's the occasion?" she asked.

"no occasion. just a little friendly gift" the teen responded as they sat down around the table.

"lesbian friend necklace? cause we're freaky like that?" caroline said, playfully winking at the dawson girl, flirtatiously.

phoebe chuckled before saying,"your friendship is important to me".

"why are you being so mushy?" the forbes teen questioned.

"because, you've been avoiding us, well more specifically me, and i wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and matt, it's okay" elena answered this time.

"i was gonna talk to you about that. i was, but there's just not much to say. we've hung out a couple times. that's it, but...i just feel like we've peaked as friends".

both elena and phoebe nodded in understanding.

"this is weird. i shouldn't be talking to you about this. it's weird. it's weird, right?" caroline questioned, nervously, looking toward the gilbert girl.

"it's a little weird, but—heh. if it's what you and matt want, then it's not about me" elena responded, shaking her head.

"but it's all about you" caroline added.

elena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at that.

"matt's not over you, and we all know it" the blonde finished.

"well, i've moved on. matt understands that. he knows he has to move on, too" the brunette nodded, before going back to eating her lunch, leaving caroline with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.


it was already night when phoebe, elena, and bonnie were hanging out at the grill.

the night before, after phoebe had called elena and told her everything that happened when she was gone for an entire day, including the information she received about her being adopted, she confronted jenna about it and found out that it was true.

so, now, elena was just as mad at jenna as phoebe was at vanessa.

''i can't believe you're adopted. i never saw that coming'' bonnie said after elena told her she was adopted.

''and it gets weirder. i looked at my birth certificate. it lists miranda and grayson gilbert as my birth parents. none of it makes any sense''.

to the gilbert girl, it just seems so unreal.

her whole life has been a lie.

''which is why you should talk to jenna'' bonnie stated, bringing up the one person elena did not want to talk to at the moment.

phoebe nodded in agreement at this, even though she was mad at her own mother, jenna probably had the answers elena wanted.

but, the teen groaned at the hearing of her aunt's name.

''first of all, the elena we know would always want the real truth, good or bad''.

''and second of all?'' elena questioned, glancing between her two best friends.

''you just found out your ex boyfriend is a vampire, so unless your birth parents are aliens...how bad could it be?'' bonnie shrugged with a soft smile.

''ah, okay, look, we have to go to the store. my outfit for the dance is severely lacking accessories'' elena drifted from the subject and moved to get up from the table.

''yeah, and i have get a red bandana to match my outfit'' phoebe nodded in agreement, referring to her outfit for the 50s decade dance happening at the high school, also getting up from the table.

''okay, i'll pay the bill'' bonnie offered.

''okay. bye'' '' thanks, i'll pay next time. bye, bon bon'' the two girls chorused before turning to leave.


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