𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 + 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘴

978 24 0

𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞


phoebe called as her and elena run through the woods to the church seeing emily/bonnie standing in the middle of a star symbol drawn into the ground that was on fire.

before the girls could get too close, stefan stopped them, holding them back just when emily throws the necklace into the air, destroying it with sparks flying everywhere.

once it was over, emily's spirit had passed out of bonnie and the fire and sparks disappeared.

the real bonnie looked around in confusion and then suddenly damon went to attack her, biting in her neck, causing the girl to scream.

"bonnie!" both elena and phoebe yelled for the girl as stefan let go of them and sped over, pushing damon away from bonnie, letting her body fall to the ground.

both elena and phoebe rushed up next to stefan and gasped out at the sight of their best friend on the ground with blood all over her neck.


stefan quickly moved to the ground beside bonnie, putting his ear on her chest, hearing the faint heartbeat,"she's alive, but barely. i can save her'' he informed the worried girls, before biting into his wrist, opening bonnie's mouth and putting the open bite into her mouth, letting the blood go in her system as much as she wished she could reject it.

phoebe watched with concern while elena sent damon a disgusted glare.

stefan removed his wrist from bonnie's mouth and elena and phoebe watched the girl's neck heal, letting out breaths of relief.


back at the car, phoebe and elena were with a very scared and confused bonnie.

''i don't understand, guys, what happened to me. he attacked me, and...his face was like...'' she trailed off, tears running down her cheeks.

''how do you feel? are you okay?'' elena asked, gently touching bonnie's neck, where dry blood was, but luckily no wound.

''i'm fine. it's--it's just the blood. i don't...'' bonnie stopped when she noticed stefan standing a few feet away from them, and she got scared.

phoebe glanced behind her to seeing the younger salvatore and averted her eyes back to the bennett girl.

''i'm not gonna hurt you'' stefan assured her, but that didn't seem to ease her fear.

''what's going on, phoebe, elena?'' she questioned, looking between phoebe and elena for an explanation.

''we'll explain everything, bonnie, okay? let's just get out of here'' phoebe told the girl, but her tearful eyes went back to stefan,"bonnie. bonnie, look at me" she managed to get bonnie to tear her eyes away from stefan to her,"he's not going to hurt you'' she assured her best friend, before glancing toward elena with a small nod to which she returned.

''come on, bonnie. come on'' the brunette guided bonnie to the car and into it, sitting with her.

phoebe sighed, looking towards the bennett girl through the window shield, worriedly, before turning back to stefan,''is she in danger of becoming--''

"no. no, she has to die with my blood in her system, so keep an eye on her tonight and make sure that nothing happens, and once it leaves her system, she'll be fine'' stefan assured her, easing some of her nerves.

''i'm gonna tell her the truth'' she stated, looking up at him.

stefan nodded, in understanding,''you sure?''

phoebe glanced at bonnie for a second before looking back to stefan with a nod,''i can trust her. i need someone to know, someone to talk to, other than elena. i can't live in secret''.

''i know that. shouldn't have to'' stefan shook his head, already blaming himself.

''you saved her life. i'm sorry, stefan. i thought that...i couldn't deal with this, i tried ignoring it, didn't work, but now i can. you don't have to push me away. i can do this'' phoebe stated, taking stefan's hands in her own, feeling some kind of warmth.

stefan sent her a small smile, before he shook his head,''i can't''.

the girl furrowed her eyebrows.

''i, uh--i have to leave, phoebe. too many people have died. too much has happened''.

it broke stefan's heart to do this, but he had to, to keep her safe.

''what? no. i know you think you're protecting me, but--''

''i have to. coming home was--it was a mistake. i can't be apart of your life anymore''.

phoebe shook her head, sadness filling her up in her chest,''don't go, stefan. please...you don't have to. this is your home. you—just please don't go''.

stefan brought phoebe's hands up to his lips and kissed them as a sign of goodbye, before bringing them back down and letting go.

he brought his hand up to caress over phoebe's cheek,"goodbye, phoebe'' he then turned and walked away.

''you're just gonna walk away? don't walk away, stefan! stefan!'' phoebe called after him, watching with tears filling up in her eyes as he walked away from her again.


back at the dawson household, in phoebe's room, she and bonnie sat on the bed.

phoebe was explaining everything to the girl.

she broke down when she brought up vicki and the stress of keeping everything a secret from bonnie and everyone else.

the two then hugged each other, letting everything they were feeling out.

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