𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 + 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘴

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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

"ready...go!" bree exclaimed as her, phoebe, damon, and a couple other people at the bar downed a round of shots.

''that's three!'' phoebe exclaimed, looking over at damon, who didn't look as excited as her, but she was most definitely buzzed,''aw, do you need a bib?" she teased him poking out her bottom lip.

damon looked at the girl and rolled his eyes,''sorry i can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol''.

''whatever. all right. who's next? another round, bree''.

''honey, you should be on the floor'' a woman to phoebe's right slurred to her.

''i am not even drunk. my tolerance is, like, way up here'' phoebe replied stretching her arm up as far as it'll go with a laugh.

''alright, here you go''.


as the load of shots goes through her system, phoebe was officially drunk as she now played pool with someone from the bar, having a good ol' time, well until her phone rang and she answered, suddenly she was brought back down to reality,''hello?''

''phoebe?'' vanessa dawson's stern voice rang through the phone.

''mom! uh, hold on, it's loud in here'' phoebe tried to play off the fact that she was in a bar and drunk as she slipped on her thin shirt overall and starts making her way towards the nearest exit.

''phoebe, where are you? are you okay?''

"huh? yeah. no, i'm good. everything's fine. hold on. i can't hear you'' phoebe responded, opening the back door and proceeding to exit, but ends up tripping over her own two feet, falling to the ground and dropping her phone in the process.

the teen groaned in annoyance as she used the door knob to help her stand and picked up her phone, holding it back up to her ear,''hello?''

before a response could be heard, someone's hand clasped over phoebe's mouth, preventing her from speaking, also causing her to drop the phone again.

she went into a panic and struggled to get away from the attacker, but it didn't do much good as the attacker dragged her away.

but one thing was for certain...she was definitely sobered up now.


a couple of minutes passed when damon comes outside looking for the dawson girl, but she was nowhere to be seen.

it was when he looked down to the ground that he noticed phoebe's phone, picking it up, he instantly became worried for the teen.

the pair were just warning up to each other and he would never forgive himself if something were to happen to her.

neither would his brother.

damon looked around for anyone or anything as he walked further into the dark behind a shack, by an electrical building where he spotted the dawson girl held on the power plant.

''damon, no. get away'' she tried to warn him to stay away, that it was a trap, but it was too late.

the attacker sped out from hiding and hit damon in the legs with a metal bat, making him fall down to the ground, yelling out in pain.

phoebe gasped out, moving to climb down from on the metal bars, wanting to help damon in some way as the, apparent, vampire repeatedly hit him in the leg with the metal bat at vampire speed.

he then sped away for a second to get a large bottle of gasoline and poured the liquid all over damon.

''no! stop it!'' phoebe yelled, coming down from the stairs of the plant and rushed forward toward the two.

the vampire stopped to look back at the teen, his vampire face out, making her stop in her tracks a few feet away.

his face went back to normal and went back to pouring the gasoline all over the older salvatore.

"who are you?'' damon grunted up at him, very pissed.

''that's perfect. you have no idea'' the vampire spat out in such disgust and hatred.

''what are you talking about? what did he do?'' phoebe questioned him, wanting to know what did damon do so bad that this vampire is actually trying to kill him.

he turned back to the girl and spat,''he killed my girlfriend''.

phoebe's eyebrows furrowed, glancing down at damon before the vampire proceeded pouring the last of the gasoline on him,''what did she do to you, huh? what did she do to you?!'' 

''nothing'' damon said already knowing exactly who he was talking about.

''i don't understand'' phoebe intervened, confusion rendering her features.

''my girlfriend went to visit stefan, and damon killed her. got it?''

there was one person that came to phoebe's mind, when the vampire said that 'my girlfriend went to visit stefan', lexi.

lexi branson.

''lexi? lexi was your girlfriend? she told me about you. she—she said that you were human'' phoebe shook her head in confusion as her eyes filled with tears of sympathy for lexi's boyfriend, her mind recalling the night she witnessed a friend get killed right in front of her at the hands of damon.

the man turned his head back to phoebe, with solemn and heartbreak evident in his face,''i was'' he then turned back to a weak damon on the ground, with a hard expression, taking out a box of matches.

phoebe knew what was coming next and her eyes widened in fear and immediately knew she had to come up with something quickly,''lexi turned you?''

''if you want to be with someone forever, you have to live forever'' he glanced back at the teen.

the teen's eyes drifted to damon on the ground, who was trying to get up, but failed when the vampire noticed and kicked him back down, lighting a match.

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