𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘵 + 𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺

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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

''okay, fun's over, caroline. you made a point, and we get it. now give it back'' elena almost immediately turned to caroline while bonnie and phoebe checked everywhere else in the room.

''what? well, i didn't take it'' caroline denied.

elena scoffed, not believing her.

then phoebe noticed a figure or shadow of someone out of the corner of her eye wall past her room door.

she snapped her eyes toward it, furrowing her eyebrows.

''what? what happened?'' caroline asked the dawson girl when her and the others noticed her looking out the door out into the pitch black hallway.

''i don't know. it's probably nothing'' phoebe brushed off, not wanting to scare the other girls as she moved towards the door entrance, poking her head out into the hallway, checking it out,''mom, are you home?''

there was no response, it was just quiet.

bonnie then noticed the necklace laying on the carpet in the bathroom on the floor and walks toward it,''um...guys...''

the other girls turned their heads to the bennett girl, watching her pick up the necklace and turn back to them, lifting her head up to them.

the door then suddenly closed shut on its own,"ahh! oh, my god!" bonnie screamed out in fright.

phoebe rushed to open it but it wouldn't,"bonnie?"

''you got to open the door!'' she screamed in fear.

caroline, elena, and phoebe altogether pounded on the door, in concern for their friend.

''bonnie, what's going on? bonnie!''

the trio still banged on the door in hopes it would open.

''bonnie!'' phoebe yelled for the bennett teen.


''bonnie! unlock the door!''

''get me out!'' the brunette screamed, just as the lights began flashing on and off.

''bonnie!'' phoebe, caroline, and elena pushed and banged on the door some more, but it just wouldn't open like something or someone is holding it shut.

''bonnie! open the--open the door!'' caroline tried pushing on the door again, before the screaming from the bathroom stopped.

the lock clicked and panting was the only thing being heard.

phoebe slowly pushed the door open and the three saw bonnie just standing there with her head in her hands,''what happened? are you okay?'' she asked the girl, worried as her, elena, and caroline stepped into the bathroom.

after a few seconds, bonnie looks up at her friends, not the tiniest bit conflicted,''i'm fine''.

''unbelievable. you were totally faking it'' caroline scoffed, in disbelief.

''caroline, come on'' elena looked over at the blonde while phoebe kept her eyes on the bennett teen, just knowing something wasn't right with her.

''no, you scared the hell out of me'' the forbes girl yelled, angrily toward bonnie, before walking back into the room, leaving her with elena and phoebe.

''bonnie?'' elena called the girl, also sensing something wasn't right with her.

bonnie looked over to the brunette,''i'm fine. everything's fine'' she then walked past elena and phoebe,

they watched her in confusion.

what they didn't know, was at the moment, bonnie bennett was currently being possessed by her ancestor—emily.


''i can't believe i fell for it'' caroline remarked as bonnie/emily walked out of the room, not phased by anything.

''are you okay?" elena asked bonnie.

''i must go'' bonnie/emily said proceeding to leave.

''she's leaving, i'm leaving'' caroline added.

''you guys can't leave'' phoebe gestured her hands out, trying to get them to stay.

''oh, i can. i've had enough freaky fake witch stuff for one night'' caroline snapped, crossing her arms across her chest.

''thank you for having me. i'll take it from here'' bonnie/emily said, catching the other girls' attention, before she turned and began to walk down the stairs.

''where are you going?" phoebe questioned from the top of the staircase.

''back to where it all began'' she answered, weirdly, continuing to leave.

''bonnie'' phoebe followed after the girl to stop her.

elena followed, then caroline.

the teen then stopped and realization came across her face,''oh, my god. emily!'' she called, causing bonnie/emily to stop at the bottom of the stairs and turn back to her.

''i won't let him have it. it must be destroyed'' she then proceeded to walk out of the door as phoebe, elena, and caroline rushed down the stairs.

''wait!'' phoebe rushed to the door, going to open it, but like the bathroom door, it wouldn't open.

''what's happening?'' elena questioned, noticing phoebe struggling with the door.

she turned her head to the brunette, still trying to pull the door open,''i don't know. the door, it's not...''

phoebe went to pull the door harder, but then it was pushed open, causing the girls to scream out, but they saw it was only phoebe's mother, vanessa.

they released relieved breaths but vanessa, understandably, was confused.

caroline was panting and scared, she turned to elena and phoebe, "i'm outta here'' she then left out the door.

''what is going here?'' vanessa questioned the two teenage girls in front of her, mainly her daughter.

''uh, you see, here's the thing, we all decided to do a seance, but bonnie and caroline got really scared when the windows opened and the lights flickered on and off. bonnie ran out, we tried to follow her but the door was jammed. then you came and so then caroline got scared and now we really have to go make sure they're okay'' phoebe explained, it being mostly the truth while grabbing her and elena's jackets,''but i promise i will be home by 11 or earlier. love you, mom, bye'' she finished quickly, giving her mom a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house, closing the door behind them, not giving vanessa enough time to respond.

phoebe huffed out a breath and glanced over at elena,''all right, let's go''.

the brunette nodded before her and phoebe rushed to the car, hopping in.

while phoebe started up the car, she told elena to call stefan.

she complied and put the phone on speaker.

stefan answered after the first ring.

''what's wrong?"

''it's bonnie'' phoebe responded, putting her hands on the stirring wheel, getting ready to drive off.

''what happened?''

''emily is possessing her. she said something''.

''what did she say?''

''she said, 'i won't let him have it. it must be destroyed', and then she just left''.

''okay. where do you think she went?''

''i don't know'' phoebe thought about it for a second, before piecing it together in her head,''fell's church, by the old cemetery. that's where she took bonnie in her dreams. we have to help her, stefan''.

''all right. all right. just stay there. i'm gonna go find her'' he assured her, before hanging up.

phoebe scoffed," 'stay there', my ass" she muttered to herself before sharing a glance with elena and backing out of the driveway, towards fell's church.

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