A little about me: Eliot

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POV: Eliot

I'm dreaming of something random when my eyes shoot open.

"I can't stop me, can't stop me, can't stop me (Oh).
나를 감시하는 저 spot, spot, spotlight
비출수록 어둠 속으로 빨려 들어
끝이 보이는데 I know it's not right
I can't stop me, can't stop me."

Yes I'm a Once and a lesbian get over it. Who doesn't like I Can't Stop Me by Twice though.

I groggily rise off my bed and wander into the bathroom. Ew. Someone forgot to flush. And I'm guessing that special someone was my brother, Andrew. Asshole.

I undress myself taking off my underwear shorts and bralette. I turn on the shower stepping in, not waiting for it to turn the scorching hot temperature I like.

I stand there for a second waiting for my scalp to actually absorb the water. I hate my hair. So frizzy. So curly. So annoying. It can look pretty sometimes, but not usually, not today.

I live with my dad and my brother. My mom died when I was younger from breast cancer and it's been just the great trio ever since. My dad tries his best but he knows it's not always enough. He's white and my mom is black, so I'm mixed. Unlike my brother, I inherited curly big hair (which my father has no idea how to style or take care of). Don't get me wrong my hair is beautiful, but I just wish I had someone like my mom around to help me with it.

I think about my mom a lot, though I try not to. It just makes me feel bad, or some sad feeling I don't exactly know how to describe. So I lock it deep down in the sad closet with all the memories of her and throw away the key. It's how I deal with things. That and sarcasm of course.

Just as I washed all the soap off my body, remembering not washing my hair since I wash only once a week, I hear my brother banging on the door. It knocks me right out of my daydream- or day anxiety- and back into reality.

"Hurryyyy uuuuup Elioooottt!"
"Hold your horses Andrew!" I shout back.

I get out all wet and grab a towel from the closet inside the bathroom. I wrap it around myself and look at my appearance in the mirror above the sink. I'd say I'm average. Average nose, lips, chest, little organ pouch making my stomach puff out, big hips too. But in my opinion there's nothing wrong with big hips and butt. I look hot if I do say so myself.

I walk out of the one bathroom in the house with a sigh and a look of annoyance on my face. "The the bathroom is all yours." I say with a tone my dad would hate. "Thank you" my brother says with a smug tone. Oh he thinks he's so cool huh. "Oh and, maybe learn to flush next time." I shoot back, an embarrassed look flooding his face. "Idiot" I mutter as I walk off to my room.

I get dressed in one of those shirts that main character in Twilight wears, Bella or whatever. Some basic high waisted jeans. Put on my socks and my trusty converse, sock sock shoe shoe of course, put my middle finger necklace and my skeleton earrings on and walk downstairs. No one down here, just how I like it.

I grab my Mimikyu sweater and bookbag. Unlock the door close it, not bothering to lock it again knowing my brother isn't far behind, and start my walk to school.

My first day at a new highschool to be exact. Exciting huh.

As I get to the front yard and walk in it dawns on me. This is important. New school. Don't make a fool of yourself.

Well here I go.

Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love, Goosey <3

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