"Eli ☆彡"

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POV: Sofia
I walk away from watching her get into someone's car. I'm guessing they're siblings by the resemblance but idk. I walk to who's driving me home. My boyfriend. Some people from our fiend group are around his car, talking to him. He looks up noticing me walking back and I speed up my pace.

After some small talk for a minute or two everyone decides to head home. I have no practice today I just pack my outfit in case. Hehe. I get in the car and strap myself in sighing. I often loose my social battery talking to my friends. I'm not introverted but they're are a lot. "Hey, what's up?" Brady says. "Oh nothing." I say waving my hands. "Ok? Oh and who was that girl you were talking to?" He asks. "Umm the new girl?" I ask. I mean I've talked to a lot of girls today tbh. "Yeah." He says in a duh tone. "Oh, well her name is Eliot. I've been assigned as her guide for the rest of the year since in leader of the welcoming committee." I explain. "Hm, ok." He says staring the car. "Anything....wrong?" I ask making a 🤨face. Yk? "Why would something be wrong?" He deadpans scoffing after. I let out a big sigh as he zooms off in his car.

Sometimes this man- no boy is so irritating. He has little hissy-fits or pretends he's fine when he give attitude to you. Then how saying girls do that. Bitch. But he doesn't know I think this. He doesn't even know I know what swear words are I think. He likes thinking I'm innocent. Ok maybe I hyped him up to you a lil too much. I was talking more from others perspectives, not mine. I do that a lot, you know? Tell people what they want to here to stop upsetting others. It's a habit of mine I have a lot of trouble braking.

I whip out my phone to the unnamed contact. I can't decide what to name her. I do t have a nickname or anything, tho I'd like to give her one. I could do something cute. No no no, I feel like that'd be weird. Hmmm. I put a name in. "Eli ☆彡" nice.

"Whatcha doing?" Brady asks putting his hand on my thigh. "Um nothing." I say putting my phone in my pocket. Skirts and dresses with pockets, best invention. "Ok." He says frowning. "We're here." He deadpans. I start gathering my stuff but I guess I want quick enough. "Out." He says. I freeze and look at him. He looks around then says "Please?" I take my bag open the door and get out, slamming the door behind me. "Hey drop the attitude!" Brady yells. "AND BE NICE TO MY CAR!" He yells louder. "Drop the attitude oh this bitch ugh" I mutter along with a few other things, as I walk inside.

My parents aren't home right now so I have to the house to myself. And what do I do with that. I use that time to grab food and more food to restock my snack corner. Then I sit in my room for the rest of the night. Productive. While my parents worry about me doing hard drugs at parties while they are here, I'm watching My Babysitters A Vampire for the thirty thousandth time.

Thinking about how I'm upset it was canceled my eyes get heavy and I'm decide to take a nap.

Hey guys. Two posts in 24 hours?!? Wow. Don't question my weird sleep schedule btw. It's a mental health problem I have no control over (no matter how much my dad says I do, lol). Correct me if I got anything wrong since it's late and I'm not wearing my glasses rn. Every time I'll have a new excuse why my ELA skills suck. Anyywaayysss....
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love, Goosey <3

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