Somtimes You Just Need A Moms Touch

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‼️Big tw: abuse homophobia, yelling, panic attacks, dad problems (?). Please skip this chapter if needed, don't put yourself through hurt for a Wattpad story. ‼️

POV: Sofia
I'm worried to go home. I would've asked Eliot to come with me, but I don't want to get her more involved. So I told her I was good. There was nothing to worry about. But I'm worrying.

I'm on the street to my house and all I can think of is the what ifs. What if he's home. What if he's mad. What if he yells at me. What if he doesn't support me no matter what. What if-

My thoughts are stopped when I reach my door. That was fast. I sigh and open the door. Just as my brain worried about, there he is, on the couch.

"You're home early!" I smile at him before trying to rush upstairs. "Wait." I turn back to him when he says this. He pays beside him on the couch. I sit down on the opposite side but he asks me to come closer. I Slide Over on the red leather couch, I feel the sweat building up.

"So your friend." He breaks the silence. "Uh yes...eliot." I stutter out. "Is she gay?" Wow blunt dad. "Umm...well...where's mom?" I try to change the subject. He closes his eyes and sighs. "Out. Now answer my question." I narrow my eyes. What is he doing. This is so annoying. "I don't know." I deadpan. It's not his information, he has no right to know. "You know I don't like when you hang out with those people." He say with disgust. "But she's not. And you let me hang out with Xzavier." I scoff.

I slide away from him. I don't want to sit near him. "He's different. He won't hit on you. And I still don't like him. I don't want Eliot to rub off on you." My eyes widen at the last part. Rub off! "What you don't want her "gayness" to rub off on me!" I stand up. "No I want you to stay my perfect daughter! Normal! Likes the opposite gender!" He stood up too. We were in each other's faces. I huffed and stepped away. I looked him up and down and shook my head. I stomped upstairs closeting my door. I heard him behind me and grabbed the key to my door. I locked it.

He screamed at me from the other side of my door. The screaming, banging, stomping, the thoughts swirling through my head, so much happening. My eyes go blurry and tears start to fall. I do the only thing I know to do when he yells. Yell back. I start screaming- pleading for him to stop. I walk back until my legs hit the bed. I fall back sitting down. I get on my side wailing still. I take my covers and put them over my head. I can't even hear him anymore, but I can't stop crying. I'm so loud, the neighbors are probably worrying. I can't catch my breath. I don't even know how much time has past, time isn't even a worry. I can't catch my breath. No amount of breathing in and out is helping.

There's a faint click and shuffle. My bed dips and I feel a hand on my shoulder. Though I'm under blankets I can tell it's my mom. She just has that touch, that sent. I peak through the blankets at her, and she gives me sad eyes. I sit up and hug her. She tells me to calm down while patting my head.

An hour or so later she's sitting in my room helping me sip water. I'm still choking on air a little, but I've calmed down for the most part. I'm sitting on my moms lap as she pats my head. I feel her sigh. "So honey," she says in a calm voice. "can you tell me what happened?" I sniffle at that. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I sit up and go back to the head of the bed. And get under the covers. "No no. It's ok- I'm ok." I wave my hands around. She moves around getting comfortable on her own. "Well I have a couple questions..." I nod. "Well let's start off easy. There are some...scuffs on your door, do you know how they got there?" I sigh. Might as well tell the truth. "Dad." Her eyes widen. "I'm sorry but I have to ask what happened." She says in a more serious voice. I look away trying to think of the best way to explain it. "He asked about Eliot. This morning he said some...hurtful things, and Eliot got defensive. When I got home he berated me about it. He- he-" I sniffle. My mom puts her hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath. "He was upset because he thinks she is gay. He said he wanted me to be 'normal'." I sighed. "Well isn't she gay, and you two are..." "yeah but it's none of his business, 'specially since he's just gonna be a dick about it." I rolled my eyes. My mom chuckled at that. She hugged me. "I'll be sure to fix this." She said calmly, but I could tell she was anything but.

She walked out of my room locking it for me. I heard the tapping of her slippers on the hardwood as she walked downstairs. I itch each step a pit grew at the bottom of my stomach. A pit making me feel like something bad is about to happen. Soon she reached the bottom of the stairs and started taking to my dad. I started to get off my bed to hear when all of a sudden I don't need to.

The screaming. It's so loud. I walked back to my bed and plopped down. I heard something crash with a scream. I gasped and sat up straight hearing a door slam flinching at the sound. Tears flooded my eyes and I payed back down. I couldn't help but think this is my fault. No. This is definitely my fault. Why can't I be normal. Why can't my family be like others. Why why why why why why why...

The thoughts finally stopped after drifting into a light slumber. I had no dreams that night. Some how those thoughts I had while a awake crept into my sleep. Leaving me with no silence, all I could hear was screaming.

Sorry this took so long. I've had a lot on my plate irl and haven't been able to upload on anything. Another thing is this chapter hit very close to home. The end at least. Having to write stuff like that in detail might it be the best for my health, but I think it's important to let people know going through stuff like that at home is not ok. But sadly you see us alone. Please don't resort to online friends who are older than you, sending nudes, doing drugs, alcohol ect. If you are in this potion no matter how it started (homophobic, transphobia, ableism, racism ect.) find help and get out as fast and safely as you can.
Thank you for reading this chapter if you could. And thank you for all the support.
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love Goosey <3

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