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Btw this has major spoilers for X (2022).

POV: Eliot
Sure I might be more brave in some aspects, but one of those aspects isn't horror movies. I can't with them, but Sofia seems to love them. So for her I am sitting in front of the big screen with a large popcorn holding her hand.

Oh- oh my. They're filming...a sex movie. How's this horror? Is it how bad the dude is, that'd be pretty scary. Oh wait they're going to...a random house. The people don't know! WTF! That's so- what is wrong with that old lady. Oewww, she's sus.

Omg they're having sex. This is cringy. Wait is that Jenna Ortega? She's on the set. Interesting. AHHH- why is that woman there. Ew eww ewwwwwwwwwww. Ughhdhehshs. I can't. I think I lost my popcorn appetite.

Oh she wants to film a scene! Damn. Damn! Why is he upset. This makes no sense. He makes no sense. Wait what is the old lady doing- omg!

I squeeze Sofia's hand harder. I glance over at her to see a smile on her face. Sus. I hope this is over soon.


Wow. That's was- anyways we're walking out of the movie theater to go back to her house. I'm holding her hand- scared for life might I say- while she's just peachy. Smiley. I sigh.

"So how's you like it?" I look over to her with a look. She laughs. "That bad?" She asks through giggles. "I told you I don't like horror movies." I whined. "I've noticed. If we do this again I think I'll have marks on my hands." That makes me laugh too. Her phone buzzes which pauses our laughter. "It's my mom. She said she's around the corner." She grabs my hand again and leads me to where her mom said she was. She opens the door for me and we set in.

Once we're seated her mom starts the car, and the conversation. "So girlssss, how was the movie?" She asks. "I think we have different opinions on it." I say. Sofia starts laughing again, and so do I. I'm pretty sure her mom knows we're dating. Not sure about her dad. I won't push though since I know everyone's house is different. "Since it's so late you want to stay over hon?" I look at her then to Sofia. She nods her head excitedly. "Oh- uh- sure." I stutter.

Another small one. I've been busy with school and health problems. Just wanted to get something out, yk? We'll, anyyywayyssssssssss
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love Goosey <3

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