But I'm a Cheerleader!

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POV: Sofia
I walk in the house and close the door. I press my back up against the door and take a deep breath though inside I'm squealing. For some reason when she leaves me I feel empty, longing for her to come back. I've never felt this way before. I kinda did with Brady, but this is different. The feeling is stronger. I set my bag down and hold the sides of my head. I start walking through the foyer into the parlor where my parents are.

"Why do you look like you're having a midlife crisis?" I look up to my dad on the couch. He has a skeptical look on his face, almost worried. I walked over and plop on the couch next to him. "You're home early!" I say ignoring his comment before. "Yeah wanted to surprise you guys, but your mom is already asleep. But now your here so...surprise!" He laughs at his own joke. He's such a dad. "Nice surprise." I say laughing myself. I get more comfy and sink into the couch watching whatever soap opera is on. I think it's The Bold and the Beautiful? Idk.

"So are you having a midlife crisis? Or just not problems?" I turn to my dad. I guess I haven't had time to talk to him like I do with mom. A lot to update him on. "Well yes. Or no. Kinda? To start I broke up with Brady, now I don't know if I like someone. It's kinda confusing. I guess I am having a crisis of some sort." I sink into the couch. Saying it all out loud like that really made me realize. I think I might like a girl. My dad puts his arm around my shoulder. "Well I'll support any boy you like. If he does you wrong, call me and I'll beat him up." My dad says nodding. He's have to be here to be able to do that. And "any boy" he said. Boy boy boy boy I let out a small sigh and nod my head. A boy.

After a few minutes I can hear him snoring, I left him arm an run upstairs. I go to my room and change into pjs, leaving my uniform on the floor. I call Sasha and Xzavier immediately. "Hey what's wrong-" "I have a problem!" I say cutting off whoever said that. "O...k?" Sasha says. "This is serious guys!" I exclaim. "Ignore her. She hasn't gotten her beauty sleep yet. Lay it on us girl." Xzavier says. "I think I like...a girl." I get quite at the last part. "A what? I'm tired speak up." Sasha issue groggily. "I think I like a girl!" I yell. My hand slaps over my mouth after that came out. "Ok?" They both say. I lay back in my bed, low key hyperventilating. "This can't be happening. I'm straight!" I let out. "Sure...doesn't sound like it." Xzavier says which I scoff to. "But I'm a cheerleader!" I yell. They both burst out laughing. "Cheerleaders are some of the fruitiest girls I've ever met." Sasha says while laughing. I sink into my sheets. "So who's the lucky girl?!" Xzavier asks excitedly. "Eliot." I say embarrassed. Both of their eyes widen and they give each other looks. I feel like I've been left out of some important info, but whatever. "You should ask her out." Xzavier says taking a sip of water. I guess he got some water while on call, he's very quiet. "What! Ask her out!" I scream. "Mhm." They both say calmly. "What is she is straight! What is she rejects me, what if she laughs at me, what if- what if-" I'm out of breath and I stop. "First of all she straighter than a rainbow. Second she won't. Third she's not that type of person, and you know that." Sasha says Xzavier agreeing with each sentence. "Ima go to sleep. Talk to us when you've come to your senses and realize you're worth and identity. Also when you get the balls to ask he out." Xzavier says. "Also preferably when it's not late at night." Sasha says. We say our good nights and bye then hang up. I've got some thinking to do, don't I?

Two updates in one day! I know I know, crazy right. You should give me a reward. "Best worst writer uploads more than once a day." Wordy, sure. But I like it. Maybe call it BWRUMTOAD. Bwerum-toad. Yeah....Yeah. Me likey. 🎶Seollenda me likey me likey likey likey dugeun dugeun dugeun heart heart🎶 Anyyywayyyssss....
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love, Goose <3

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