Aww No Hearts

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POV: Eliot
I'm sitting in bed when I feel my phone vibrate. I pick it up and see who it is. It's an Unknown number. I check it

Still coming to the party tonight?

Wait is this...Max?

How did you get my number 🤨?

A girl from your table. I asked her and she gave it to me.


But yeah
I'll come to ur party

You changed 456-821-**** contact to Max

Aww no hearts

I only put hearts on the contacts of people I LIKE

Awww 😢
You don't like me 😓

Not yet
Maybe sometime soon you'll have a heart next your name
For now tho

See ya sooonnnn

Yup 👍🏻

What I'm wearing now is fine. I just freshened up. I texted Sofia if she could still come, to which she replied "ofc 🥰". I'm walking through the hallway trying to be quiet. I peak into Andrews room to see he's fast asleep. I creep in and snatch his keys. I walk down the hall to the staircase. I'm not sneaking out, just sneakily going out. I walk down being careful not to make a sound. As I reach the bottom I turn to dash.

"Well well well." I turn to the living room to see my dad. "I told you, if you wanna leave, just ask." I stand there in shock eyes wide open. "Hey it's not like I was never a teen before." My dad exclaimed. I sighed and walked over. I sat beside him. He explained all this "be careful at parties" stuff and told me I could go. And I could drive myself. I thanked him and left. That was a real eye opening experience. And I never want to do it again.

I'm in front of Sofia's house right now. I texted her I was here so I'm waiting. I just want to act normal with her. I don't want to shove in her face that I like her. I hope it doesn't seem that way.

Ugh whatever. I'm worrying too much.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm try to procrastinate writing the party stuff. Also no that is not my really number. My real number is......
you though I'd tell you? Anyyywayyyssss....
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love, Goose <3

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