00. Hickey and Zayd

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Warning: Rated SPG! Maaring basahin ngunit huwag na huwag gagayahin— lalo na sa mga bata... hay naku!


Zayd gently bit the woman's lip that caused her to softly moan. His hands were busy playing, tracing circles on her breasts.

“Ohhhh! Zayd!” she screamed a moan.

He lean close to her ear, “God, Hickey, you and your moan never fail to turn me on..hmm baby..” he mumble, licking her earlobe.

Hickey couldn't help it but to moan louder the moment Zayd’s finger tips touches her folds.

He smirked when he felt her wetness.

“Ahhh..... Please, please, Zayd...” she begged, panting, asking for Zayd's hand to touch her more.

Zayd's kisses travel and he stopped as he reached her nipples. He sucked her like a baby, thirsty for his mom's milk.

His busy thumb played with her cl-t, causing her to arched her back with the pleasure that Zayd is giving her.

“Uhmm Fck..... Ohhhh God! Ahhh!” she moan deliriously, moving her hips to feel his thumb more.

Zayd stopped sucking her nipple. He knows what she wants and he loves seeing this woman beg for more.

Hickey may be innocent looking but she screams the most beautiful moans for him.

Zayd parted her legs. He leaned down to kiss her sensitive part.

And Hickey instantly knew it's a sign that he's about to enter her. She will be fully taken by him tonight. And his shaft is already touching her folds.

But instead of taking her, he teased her first.

“Zayd!” Hickey throw him a death glare after realizing he was just rubbing his hard c-ck on her ready wetness.

Zayd laughed at her reaction. Another thing he likes about her is that he wouldn't fail to pissed her off although they're in bed, naked, and having s-x.

He chuckle that irritates Hickey more.

“F*ck u! Stop playing and teasing-

Zayd thrust himself inside Hickey without any warning.

“Ohh yes, fuck me, baby.. fuck me..” He exhale a moan as he finally take her.

“Ohh! Oh God! Ohhh God Zayd!!...”

Hickey's moan became louder than earlier. And Zayd couldn't help it but to smile even though he's thrusting inside her.

He chuckled. “See, baby? I can wipe your grumpiness away with just one thrust..” He then kissed her lips.

They kissed as Zayd pumps in her insides, penetrates her, feeding their horny demons. 

“Uhm.. Ohhh.. Ahh! Ahhh.... Zayd Ahhh!!”

“Ohh... Goodness..” Zayd whispered a moan.

Hickey accepted all of Zayd's thrust and she moved with Zayd as he racked faster inside her. Her moans become longer and louder.

And this is what he loves. Hearing her moan for him.

“Ah! Oohh! Oh Zaaaayd... Ughhh.... Zaaaayd!” 

He loves it when she moan his name.

“Baby...” Zayd groaned between Hickey's neck.

“Ahhh.... Faster, Zayd..... I'm near!”

She is indeed lost in unexplainable pleasure he's giving her.

Zayd planted kisses on her breast as he thrust deeper. Throwing a rough and hard thrust until they both reached their climax.

Both were now bathing with their own sweats, with their own wetness.

“Ohhh, Zayd,” A moan escape Hickey's lips as Zayd slowly pull his manhood out. Where his cum overflowed from her womanhood.

He then kissed her trembling legs and stood up to get some tissues for her. He cleaned her like what he would always do after their hot steamy sex.

Hickey immediately hide a smile although it's worth smiling for. She just wont let Zayd see that smile and she won't let Zayd know that he is giving her butterflies with his simply gestures.

Hickey is trying not to get attached with Zayd's sweetness, but she knows that it's too late. She knows she have already fallen for him.

“Good night, Hickey. Take some rest.” Zayd lean down to kiss her forehead.

Gusto nang humimlay ni Hickey dahil sa ginagawa ni Zayd sa kan'ya. He is so sweet and Hickey couldn't help it but to admire him.

Sinong hindi diba? Mababaliw ang sino mang ganitohin ni Zayd.

But Hickey keep herself calm and composed. Until Zayd picked up his clothes and went out of her room.

Suddenly, a lonely smile escape Hickey's lips. She again remember that it's not a good idea to caught feelings for Zayd. Never a good a idea.

Matagal na silang ganito. Matagal na nilang ginagawa ito. At gaya ng mga nakaraang pagtatalik nila, aalis na agad si Zayd pagkatapos. They never cuddle or sleep beside each other after sharing a hot night.

And that's because of their contract.

They're just fubu.

Zayd already clarified everything since before they signed the contract and start fucking each other. He said, he only wants her body and she agree saying the same reason. They only need each other for pleasure.

That is why fubu is the only label they have.

Kaya ang makaramdam ng kakaiba at taliwas sa kontrata nila ay dapat kalimutan nalang.

Para kay Hickey, “Kaya pa namang pigilan.”

Pero kaya nga ba talaga, Hickey?

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