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The cars swept by. 

Lights dizzied him, just like they always had since he was a child.  

He had always felt he was different since he was young different to have been the son of a man and woman who owned empires. One who would, down the lane, enable him to chase his dreams, give him the best of worlds because they were able to make it. Give him light and happiness, be by his side always since they could. Since they choose a path that allowed them to build a future with him. It wasn't his fault that he had the best of best. But, he had given it little thought that the best of best extended to all colors. His best meant the dangling chandeliers of a house, a starry car,  but also, the best of being lost in stardom and starstruck personalities.  He forgot he was part of a herd, too. A herd not of the sheep but the predators of it. He was an ally of those who would not wince before slicing off any ally for some small gain.

Among them, he had found the Band of Brothers - who too were trying to make sense of the cacophony they were in. Band of brothers turned to be family, friends, ends.

Family, friends? Family friends. They had met as and when they were trying to make themselves known among unknowns. They had eachothers' backs until they didn't; until the game of growing up and riches didn't out-compete each other; until one library hadn't shattered their walls and broke their fantasyland. Until one young evening party after another didn't ring in one popping truth of desires.

Down the many aisles of the many books from many genres, he stopped by his favorite- "Fantasy". A land where lies were truths and truths were lies, just like the waters he grew up in. 

"You lied to me"- he heard. "You lied to me, you plainly lied."

"No, I didn't. I just hid a truth." He heard a familiar voice. A boy, about his age, about his built stood there besides a girl who had tears streaming down her face.  

"Equivalent, Harshad. The fact is you never were into me. You are just like the richer guys, with all big, but no heart. You wear it on your sleeve. You just wanted to be with me so you could gain all this popularity in school. Gain an easy access to all the ease in school? A soft card for yourself?" 

"You have to hear me out Mukti. That's not the point. You are getting all wrong. She is my sister" 

"You have been around with many, to make me believe that Harshad. I've seen her lurking around the ninth graders door many a time." 

" And I've seen her with Manik many a time. " Harshad's voice pushed back. 

"And I've seen her with you many a time. And, I have seen you with many others afterwards. I'm no fool, Harshad. Mukti Vardhan is no fool. Aliya has all of it, doesn't she? The cuteness, the rosy lips. The hips." A bitter voice sunk between the books of lies and truths. Books of fiction and fantasy.  Books of assumptions. 

"That's why all the boys were around her like a candy floss and you went to be the hero? A feast?" 

"No. A game, dammit!" Harshad cut her off. "Why don't you get it."

"I get it all, Harshad. Wasn't this how we started.  Eyes around, then a fight for me- to be a prince charmer and warrior. A won heart and then a hug and kiss on the cheek. It sound familiar. Too familiar."

"Mukti, please stop." Harshad slipped his hand into hers. "Aliya is my sister, love. She ain't even into me. She bloody likes Manik."

"Why is it always the same, H?  How can she always be in trouble and you be there to save her? How can everybody you save like somebody else?" Mukti's voice drained. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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