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"Gardi thokni toh koi tumse sikhe Aryaman! How in the bloody-hell did you manage to pull this off on an empty road?" Abhimanyu flustered his hands in the air. 

"It isn't empty, you know, it's raining!" 

"Oho! The water-droplets are so big that they would take over the earth and suddenly do witch-craft to block you way on the road that is empty and glistening but nothing else?"

"That's outlandish!"

"And you know what else is outlandish?" Abhimanyu threw a murderous glare. "You!"

"How rude!" Aryaman crossed his arms and his stomach grumbled loudly. May be, in support. 

"Rude my foot! I'm hungry and you created another problem in this rain! How in the whole world would you like to go back home in this seclusion!" Abhi stated.

The smell of coffee and bread filled the air and the two hungry souls lost themselves in the aroma. 

"After we eat, please!" Aryaman hummed blinded in the smell. 

"Jab aur raat ke 2 baje kuch nahi milega? Yeh sure!" Abhimanyu snapped back and went to the counter.

"Then it shouldn't be smelling of rich freshly brewed coffee, Abhi! And guess what? I'm a genius to have a crashed near a hospital at least we get a late bed here!"

"Yeh and you'll incur this late hospitality of a hospital, mister!" Abhi smiled to him and then glanced to the boy who came out of the kitchen hearing their bickering. 

They requested their order and were about to make their way to a table near the window where they could keep an eye on their broken car when a familiar giggle catches their attention. Abhimanyu and Aryaman look up at each other confused, astounded and slightly worried and followed the voice to stop behind the grills that parted the family and private sitting areas. 

"... so that's what happened with my sister and boy, did she punch me down to the hospital." 

A foreign manly voice seemed to narrating a story to her. After long had they found her, finally found her. Her wavy hair loose from her bun, a pleasant smile spilled on her lips and her eyes giggled at his talks. She seemed happy, looked happy but the question was if she truly was and what brought her here? They had landed at the hospital in search of food and bad driving but her? She looked okay. 

Aryaman stared at Nandini intently taking in her presence, reassuring himself that she was fine, may be he hadn't failed her  and kept her up to her last wish and promise- the soul reason they ended up meeting this ball of innocent mess. 

"To meet or not to meet?" Aryaman mumbled to Abhimanyu. 

"You are Shakespearean!"

"Life through though choices man and he puts them through aptly! Now..." Aryaman was about to reason more when Abhimanyu canceled him in, 

"To follow!"

"Intrigued, captain." Aryaman nodded when he saw the waiter search for them. He pulled Abhimanyu away from the grills and smiled at the waiter. Their coffee cups and sandwichs lay forth them and Abhimanyu shrugged at the food. 

"Now what?" Aryaman questioned him as he filled his mouth with the breads. 

"She looked too happy!"

"Jealousy?" Aryaman amused. 

"No." a spat came across and Abhimanyu defended himself, "Never. She has all the right to be happy without interference. Finally, she has moved on. But..."

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