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The wind gushed through her hair. As refreshing as it was from the coast, it carried a pinch of salinity that hit Nandini hard. It was a big step that she was about to take. Meet her again, coming in front of her face to face was easier said than done, mostly because they knew each other so little and simultaneously shared so much. 

Nandini had tried hard to think of the words she would speak. She had rehearse how she would say it like an obedient student preparing for a class recitation. But whatever she did, she couldn't just figure it out the reaction. Though she had an idea and was somewhat confident in her, she held much more confidence in life turning the tables on her and throwing her off her anticipations. Whatsoever her level of diffidence and life's curve-balls, it wouldn't be easy or pretty she knew that well. It hadn't settled within her yet, neither the past experience nor this present. The circumstances begged her, or more so threw her into this conundrum to share. A guilt flushed her all over. She thought, thought and thought.



He's gone.

Would she be sad? devastated? Need a shoulder?

Would it have been better if she had told her bring someone along? 

No, no, no.

Nandini's heart clearly denied. Facing one person was better. Two too many would have a many questions, a lot of pressure, many persuasions and she didn't know what to do, how to answer already.

Her mind slowed down a bit on her self-reassurance. So what she couldn't predict the reaction, so what they had talked little over time, she herself had been through this. She would understand and she could make her understand as well.

Her phone's ping broke her thoughts and she slowed the car to a halt.

I'm here.

Her phone read. Concise three words. Her gaze paused at the full stop. It felt deliberate. A halt. A confusion.  An end to the flow.

"Go with the flow, you can't help it," Nandini breathed to herself. She acknowledged the message back and rested her head on the steering  wheel.

"Hate you Harshad, hate you even after your death."  She cursed looking at the sky and opened the door to exit into the salty sand.


-Mumbai: Murthy house-

The TV chattered in the background.

"They show too many advertisements!! Ugh.. I want my National Geography back. "Arayman sullied down deeper into the couch.

"Hmm!" Abhi climbed down the stairs, fixing his shirt. Aryaman looked up at his dressed figure.

"Are you sure you want to meet that lad?"

"He got to know it Aryaman!" Abhimanyu stated and looking up at an unconvinced Aryaman, he sighed, 

"It's a first in a long time. But, I'm curious what brings him to us in particular."

"He's trouble you know it." Aryaman argued back. 

"But a trouble that brings in questions and curiosity."

"Abhi.." Before Aryaman could go any further Abhimanyu cut him off, 

"No, Arya. I don't want to be Ayesha." Abhimanyu looked him in the eye, "it's been long enough. She is finally coming for what and why I dont know. But, what i know that this may be our last chance to set it right as per pur promise to her. Her story and coincidences of life didnt resolve this. I underatand they needed time and this isnot a ficitonal romance where everything is alright in a blink. Nandini's we know like you knew mine. Manik. He has questions."

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