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"Somebody said you got a new friend,

Does she love you better than I can?

There's a big black sky over my town

I know where you're at, I bet she's around"

Harshad eyed Manik and let the fabulist's frivolous realization dawn upon him. Manik gawked at Harshad and gulped in, harsh. His nerves tingling him under skin and the fingers itching him making him disgusted at the visuals he knitted to himself. He shook his head and threw away his guitar caring the least if her gift shattered to become unfix-able. He pinned Harshad throwing him smacks. The sight didn't make the onlooking Fab 5 flinch. They just stood there numb. Dhruv was unable to comprehend what suddenly happened between the nemesis. He knew the fire and sparks they sent each other every now and then, and it was sure to happen now too but something murky lurked on him. This was much more than the normal, the casual guilty references. The taunts were harsher and deeper than normal.

Aliya worried and let out her inaudible gasp. She was confused and worried for both but at the same time, she fought her worry off rationalizing that it was her brother who started this for no reason at all. Mukti looked at the two fighting bulls unfazed, not flinching at the thunderous punched and kicks she saw. She was amused. Amused at the amount of angst, anger and animus the two once-upon-time friends held for each other. She knew the reason for this admonishment but she also knew they had pent it in them for about 17 years. Their fake, petty comebacks here and there ever since were way less than what they held. What led them here wasn't small and it would unreasonable for them to let it go in seconds or years. Their fights and daggers only added to it and somewhere the mental pain would only die out through physical blows and so, she let them be just like she let everyone be.

Cabir stood on similar grounds but boy, he knew he wasn't ready to deal with police and hospitals all over. Somewhere, he knew Harshad was right yesterday- Manik would do it all over again and not realize it. He wasn't expecting all of the history to repeat so soon but, then there it was- Manik and Harshad's throttling blows as if sucking each other to death.

"Manik, leave him! Manik, mar jayega woh!" Cabir pleaded and tried to pull Manik away from him.

"It's for the better only" Manik's voiced rumbled in the hallway.

"Of course, it's better! After all, you may not have to deal with me and guilt anymore then!" A leer-lathered chuckle escaped Harshad's mouth.

"Just zip it, Harshad!" Cabir glared on him and tugged on Manik to let go.

"Kyu kya plan hi?" Harshad muttered in between Manik's thwacks. "Kitna mar hi mar lega, it won't hurt as much as how she did!"

"Harshad!" Manik's voice roared into a deafening silence that followed.

"Oho! Did that hurt?" Harshad lulled.

"I didn't.." Manik's eyes death-glared back at him.

"Don't you dare! " Harshad barked in anger.

Manik's tight fist punch lowered a bit, his eyes clouded with her memories.

"It was you!"

"Me? After all this, after loosing her, it is still me who seems to be the hero of your life? So sweet!" Harshad sneered, mockery dripping in his words. "I didn't! Get that straight! It all started from where everything starts in your life and ended where everything ends in your life!

"She bloody..."

"It wasn't a mere happenstance!" Harshad's eyes glistened with rage and revolt.

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