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After an hour of driving with a grumpy Abhimanyu, Aryaman managed to stop in front of a kind-of-fancy hotel near the outskirts of Mumbai. The beautiful, groomed gardens with elegant gates and fancy glass work around screamed posh as the only adjective of the area.

Aryaman brought the car to an abrupt stop and not knowing what to do next, gave the valet as he asked. Why were they here? He didn't knew. Why did he lash out on Abhimanyu? He didn't knew. Why didn't they follow the car? He didn't knew. Why did they stop at this hotel, of all? He surely didn't knew.

He was as perplexed as Abhimanyu with what brought him here and not behind that car. But, there was something in him that brought him here, to Mumbai, even after that very-promising laughter that potentially could be hers. He sighed at his absurd instincts and dug his hands in his pockets. A sharp object pricked him and wondering the source, he pulled out the little traitor. The shiny tree nested in a circle shined in his big hands and her words softly hummed in him.

"I can never escape my roots, my conscience,

You can deceive others but yourself!

If you miss me, then come along one day,

From the day to the night, where we belonged!

The place, the letter, the time,

The only three things in the world,

To be touched by all three of us, expect this chyme!"

"May be, that's why I stand here, Murthy! I'll not break my promise to her. I promise. Just stay safe, please." he muttered under his breath and turned to Abhi who stood there aghast at the fanciness that they stood in front of.

"Abhi, now what?"

Abhi snapped his head towards him and raised an eyebrow, "What you seem to say to take a room in fancy hotel, "now what" should be my question to you as you seem to recklessly drive us around?"

Tired of nothing making sense around him, Aryaman rubbed his face and sighed,

"Fine. I say we call it the day!"

"Ugh! Aryaman how in whole world could you be so casual about of all of this! You know we are talking about Nandini here." Abhimanyu tugged on him.

"I know." Aryaman bleated as they made their way to the reception. They took their keys for the night but stopped on the reception's sofas waiting for the valet to bring their luggage.

"And you seem to know much more, brother." Abhimanyu taunted as he gazed on Aryaman's closed hands that hid a delicate silver object.

"Abhi." Aryaman's tired tone sulked as he propped himself on the sofa careless of the young, well-groomed jacketed man that sat besides him.

"No, I understand it was your promise to her. But, Aryaman..."

"She'll be fine, Abhi. Trust her."

"She's just frail."

"But not fragile right? We have seen her grow from how she was whimpering on the rocks to how strongly she fought off those people in Dehradun, right? If we only won't trust her then how, in the world do you think she would end up trusting herself? If we keep questioning her, looking at her vulnerably, then how can she ever believe that what she did was right?" Aryaman explained to Abhimnayu and a bit to himself.

"What if she withers away?" Abhimanyu squeaked, "Aryaman at the time of Ayesha, you were here with me. Then, how..."

"Then remember I left you for a Jaipur trip and you did fine. Yes, there were nights where I cursed the hell out for leaving you like that but, then remember when I freaked out you were also the one to call up saying that you are okay. Don't you think when she reaches the brink she would call us?" Aryaman cut through his worries.

"He's right!" a manly voice spoke from Aryaman's side. "Trust your friend- she, I presume, would be fine. A little bumps and injuries won't scar her for life if you have been there to tend to the large ones. Actions are remembered." he slurred slightly before getting up.

He fixed his jacket and extended his hand, "Take a leave, boys! The music isn't always perfect but, we have to do with it. Change your favorite notes or the path you tread on is kind of one of the same things. Sing what comes to your heart!"


-Mumbai outskirts: Stardust's Studio-

Pre-occupied in himself, it wasn't long before Manik made his way back to the studio after their customer mid-day break. The clock ticked 6PM and to him, it all seemed very monotonous- Stardust left them with updates of the upcoming practices, suggestions and potential events, Fab 5 bickered about trying to get him back while throwing him out on everything they did, Navya would come in with some great-smelling food he was disinterested and so, he would steer everything towards Music. Aliya's many words and explainations fell to the ground and the logics that made sense to him failed to get him to look at the brighter side. He was all over the place, confused and felt an empty void in him. Was this what she said to re-find? May be, yet again he landed in the wrong corridor with no starlight to guide.

He was about to strum his first note after Fab 5's scheduled break when a pair of shoes clicked into the room. He looked up to find Harshad standing in front. He felt Fab 5 tense back behind and so, he returned his focus to his guitar and his note.

"A-minor?" Harshad's saddened voice echoed. Manik looked up to him and rolled his eyes. "You dislike F major now!"

"Yes, I was told to re-define!" Manik laughed.

Was yesterday going to repeat? he thought to himself bored. How was he suppose to re-define when he knew no other definition of love and care and friendship except what he had and why would he need a starlight to guide him, when he had his "best-friend" Harshad beside them. The shirt choice in the morning was easy, but this seemed way more "easier", he scoffed to himself. He had a sudden urge to call Nandini and mock- "There I re-defined!" He was about to continue his self-talk a new definition of his attempts, when Harshad clicked.

"What if she doesn't like this?"

Manik looked up at Harshad with narrow eyes. Did he acquire mind-reading abilities under his re-definition? He talked back to his new-found friend, himself.

"I don't care." Manik responded.


He pronounced to himself, oblivious that the question he answered was no where near to Harshad's known.

"Really! So even if she is dead, you won't? Oh, are you ready for hook-ups again!" Harshad scoffed. He propped himself besides the piano and sung,

"Somebody said you got a new friend,

Does she love you better than I can?

There's a big black sky over my town

I know where you're at, I bet she's around"



Yada.. same? Evil has just started to pack her bags. 

Happy Reading! 



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