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The clock beeped in the glory of its monotony as the sun peeked behind the rainy clouds. The alarm went off, flashing on the phone waking Harshad up. He lazily rubbed his eyes and sat up on the rug still dressed in his now crumbled formal-wear, a shirt half let loose from his jeans, shoes tumbling over each other near by. He smiled at the innocence of yesterday and stretched his arms out of slumber. He smiled at Nandini who slept besides snuggled into the blanket that was never used here. It awaited someone else, but may be destiny had planned otherwise. He shook his head discarding the thoughts about the gone-bys. He sighed and gently patted Nandini's head to wake her up.

"Nandini!" he whispered as if she was a princess. "Nandini!"

"I am sleepy!" she snapped with her half-opened eyes and closed them shut.

"I know, still! Get up!"

"Tch!" Nandini irritated and kept her arm over her eyes. "What?"

"I have to go to Mumbai today evening! I'll be back in a few days, promise!" Harshad assured.

"Promise?" Nandini asked peeking through with one eye below her arm.


"Okay, whatever! Just go, mujhe shaanti hogi yaha!" Nandini flipped over on the rug and tugged her feet towards herself ready to go back to sleep.

"How rude, Murthy! I'll see you once I'm back!" Harshad pouted and angrily shuffled. He slipped on his slippers, his hair lazily falling over his face and opened the door intentionally being noisy.

Nandini got alerted with his attempted attention-seeking exit and sat up, "Oi! If you will go then how am I suppose to get out of these fun dungeons!"

"It's your last chance, Murthy!" Harshad crossed his hands in sheer pride of his antics and announced, "Apologize and I get you out."


"Then, die here in fun! Without the sunshine of outside!" Harshad stated blowing his nails as he assumed he had the upper-hand in this tease. Surely, he failed to know that he was playing with fire that had dealt with the babyish of babies, Abhimanyu and Aryaman.

"And I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine if you don't get me out. I don't apologize!" She smirked.

Harshad fell silent at the come back, his smile and proudly folded arms dissolving into a sluggish hands, "Follow."

The two made there way out of the small corridors landing back at the brightly lit living room. Nandini stretched herself and moved to the couch until she spotted a wiggly thing. She looked over to the main door and her face fell to horror.

"You didn't shut the door, did you?" she questioned and stared the wiggly thing that hid behind the couch.

Harshad turned back gazing at the wide-eyed Nandini and followed her gaze at the agar door. "May be, not" he laughed cheekily and scratched his nape.

"And what's that?" Nandini gulped and pointed towards the wiggly thing.

A bark came from behind as if in response. Harshad cringed for a bit until a small little guy waddled himself towards him, slipping and falling with his tail wiggling behind.

"Little boi!" Harshad smiled and squatted to reach his old friend's height.

"A dog?" Nandini horrified and jumped on the sofa.

"A pup, Murthy!" Harshad laughed and ruffled his hair, "Get down of that sofa!"

Nandini passed the dog a fearful look and slowly lowered herself, crossing her legs on the sofa.

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