Late Night Encounter

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Edric ran through the woods near his house to get to the clearing he saw the Golden Guard land in. The clearing wasn't too far, Edric went there a lot, it was quite, a good place to escape the craziness of the world.

He was coming up on the clearing and stopped when he heard a voice. He quickly hid behind a tree and peered around it to see the Golden Guard pacing around and muttering to himself. Edric could faintly hear what he was saying.

"Okay, everything is fine, he just resigned you for a little while, and it's a simple mission, he's counting on you, you can't fail, you wont fail everything will be fine."

Edric decided to give him space so he discreetly turned around, but as he was walking away he stepped on a branch, snapping it, and the sound echoing through the trees. The Golden Guard imediatley snapped to attention.

"Who's there," he yelled. "Reveal yourself!"

Edric deciding it would be worse for him if he ran stepped out from behind the tree and turned around to face him, covering up his nervousness with his usual suave persona.

"Hey Goldie, miss me?"

The Golden Guard seemed to relax a bit, which made Edric smile a little knowing that the Golden Guard didn't consider him a threat.

"Edric? What are you doing here." He remembered my name!

"Oh well I was looking out my window and I saw you land in this clearing. My house is right over there, and I come here all the time so I figured where's the harm in checking up on you," Edric explained. He left out the part about purposely looking out his window in hopes of finding him though.

"Oh alright, well I was going to get going anyways so you can head back to your home," the Golden Guard said as he started walking off.

Does he really not like me? Before Edric knew it and ran up to him and grabbed his hand. "Wait! Stay for a bit, you seemed troubled and I want to keep you company." Edric looked at him with pleading eyes hoping he would maybe agree to stay just for a little while.

Edric looked down at his hand holding his and looked back at the Guard blushing. The Golden Guard let go of Edric's hand. "Fine, but only for a few minutes, because I need to report back." The two of them headed over to a nearby log and sat down. They sat in comfortable silence until Edric broke the silence.

"Soooooo, what's it like living in the Emperor's castle?"

The Golden Guard turned his head towards him. "Honestly it's not the greatest, gets pretty lonely sometimes, I'm not allowed to do normal 16 year old things." Edric began to think to himself, Ooh he's my age.

The Guard broke Edric out of his thoughts with a question. "So what's you're life like, do you attend school?" Edric wished he could see his expression behind that mask.

"Well the life of a blight is always weird, my mom is kinda controlling, and my dad is always in his workshop. My little sister Mittens is always with her girlfriend, so my real true friend is my twin sister Emira. We both attend Hexside, it's alright I guess, school isn't really my ideal place to be though." Edric wasnt at all concerned that he basically just explained his whole family to an enemy.

The Golden Guard sighed, "It seems like you have a pretty great life, I'm an only child and have no parents, Belos took me in when I was just a baby, he really is the greatest person for doing so."

Of course he would think highly of the Emperor, he raised him.

Edric was about to ask what Belos was like until the Guard got a ring on his staff.

"Oh crap sorry, it's late I have to report back to Belos or else..."

Edric gave a concerned look. "Or else what?"

"I'm not sure, he just said "or else", but that usually means nothing good."

Edric was scared for him. Did Belos hurt him? It was none of his business so he didn't ask.

"Hey I'll give you a ride home," the Guard  offered holding out his staff to him.

Edric blushed again, but it was too dark for anyone to clearly see. " Oh no, no, you don't have to, I don't want you to be late."

"Well you said your house is just through the woods so it shouldn't take to long, just hop on." Edric decided to comply and got on the staff.

"Hold on to me," The Guard ordered.

Edric did as he was told and put his arms around his waist and started to furiously blush. We're so close, too close!!! He's so warm though, he smells nice, like vanilla and pine trees. Titan! Get a hold of yourself Edric!

Before Edric could fully savor the moment they were at his home, and his still open window. "I thought you said this was a house, this is a whole mansion," The Golden Guard exclaimed.

"Oh really, you impressed? Goes to show you, I'm quite rich, I could be you're sugar daddy if you wanted." Edric teased. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT!!!

The Golden Guard giggled a bit. Did he actually like it? He has the most adorable laugh. "No thanks, I'm fine when it comes to money, well anyways I gotta go, but um..Edric thanks for the company, I get quite lonely so having someone to talk to is nice."

Maybe he did like it, there's a still a chance. "No problem Goldie, anytime, also thanks for the ride home, you should give me another ride sometimes." Edric said suggestively. He immediately regretted it.

"Maybe depends on how late it is at night," he said with such innocence.

Either he's flirting back or he didn't get it. I'm gonna assume he didn't get it.

"Well bye Goldie, see you soon." Edric said while blowing him a kiss.

The Guard was on his staff already flying away, but he saw the kiss. "Stop calling me Goldie," he yelled then flew away.

Edric sighed. Why do I keep trying, he keeps blowing off my advances?  It's because I'm head over heels for him, maybe someday he'll return my affection, we did just meet after all.  Edric closed the windows and went to bed. The Golden Guard not leaving his mind.


Hunter was still flying back to the castle but he was an entire flustered, blushing mess. I don't like Edric, I don't like Edric, I don't like Edric! Well then why does he make me feel this way? It's fine it's probably nothing.

Hunter continued thinking about everything that just happened with Edric and then he remembered something that Edric said about school.

"Oh no, I'm going to be going to Hexside with Edric!!!!!"

Word Count: 1146

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Let me know in the comments what you think.  The next chapter should be out in a day or two. Also thankyou all so much for 110 reads, this means so much to me. Anyways try not to have an awful Monday. <3  

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