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Hunter ran into the castle, showing the guards his coven mark to be allowed access in. He idmediatly ran up to his room. He threw all of his stuff down. Flapjack flew out of his bag and landed on his nest watching Hunter worried. Hunter went rummaging through his drawers and found what he was looking for. He pulled out a roll of bandages. The cut wasn't bleeding but Hunter needed to cover it, he couldn't look at it. He wrapped the bandage all around his hand tightly.

He sat on his bed and just started crying. He just let it all out. The stress of everything, of trying to forget. Flapjack flew up to his shoulder and nuzzled his face to comfort him. There was a knock on Hunter's door.

"Go away," Hunter said through sobs. The door then opened and Darius was there. Darius looked in worried but calm. He slowly walked over to the bed and ungulfed Hunter into a big hug. Hunter didn't reciprocate the hug but he didn't push Darius away. He just slumped into it while Darius did gentile hushes. After a couple minutes they let go. Darius sat next to Hunter on the bed.

"Hunter, are you alright?"

Hunter's crying had calmed down at this point so he was able to get some words out.

"Not really..."

Darius put an arm around Hunter's shoulders. "Well I'm here if you ever want to talk, sometimes letting things out is better for you."

Those words struck Hunter a bit. Maybe keeping everything bottled up inside wasn't going to work. Trying to forget everything wasn't going to make it disappear.

"Yeah I know, thanks Darius, I think I know what to do now." Darius smiled he was happy he was able to help him.

"So how was the sleepover, did you it?" Darius was smirking. Hunter still had no idea what he meant.

"It was great but do what?"

Darius mentally slapped himself. "Kid, we really need to have a talk one of these days." Hunter tilted his head confused, but turned around when footsteps were heard.

Eberwolf opened up the door and made a face at Darius. Darius sighed.

"Right, well the reason why I actually came up here was because Belos wants to see you." Hunter gave a worried look.

Shit what if he knows about my hand and that dream was fully real, would he know? Will I have to expose Raine?

"Hey it'll be alright, I won't let Belos do anything to hurt you."

Hunter smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Darius."

"You're welcome, little prince." Darius walked out of the room while Eberwolf was giving him a teasing look. "Shut it Eber."

After about a minute Hunter tried to collect himself. He got his Golden Guard uniform on and headed down to the throne room.

When he entered he tried not to seem nervous at he wobbly kneeled down and took his place on the floor.

"Ah Hunter, finally you're back." Belos' voice echoed through the room as it usually did causing Hunter to shudder slightly.

"Well did you find anything out about the Human or possible connections she may have?"

Okay Hunter nows your chance tell him him about Raine and then he'll be proud of you.

Before Hunter spoke he was overcome with a wave of guilt.

But...Raine didn't expose me, they protected my secret. Infact Raine has always been nice to me, I can't do that to them.

"I didn't find out much besides the fact that the human doesn't seem to be planning an attack. She is very close to her friends, especially the Blights, and her family like the Owl Lady and her pet."

Belos turned around and walked swiftly towards Hunter. He grabbed him by the shoulder tightly.

"You were with her for 2 full days and that's all." Hunter was too scared to move and Belos' grip on his shoulder was starting to hurt.

"She is very secretive when it comes to major personal stuff, she doesn't know me well enough yet to mention enough in front of me."

Belos deeply sighed then said something that deeply surprised Hunter. "Okay, I understand." Belos talked in an even calmer tone than the one he had when Hunter first walked in. Hunter was shocked.

"You may rise." Hunter shakily rose to his feet, not understanding what was happening.

Belos started to turn away until his eyes trailed down to Hunter's wrapped up hand. Hunter couldn't put gloves on or else it would irritate the bandages and cause them to rub off.

"What happened to your hand Hunter." Hunter froze. He was happy he had his mask on or else Belos would have been able to see his shocked face, but he was pretty sure Belos knew what his expression was through the mask.

"I fell down earlier, I tripped on a rock on my way home and cut it on a sharp rock." Hunter was not convinced that Belos would believe it, but it was the best lie he could come up with on the spot.

" may be on your way." Hunter nodded then walked towards the door to leave. He was scared. Belos was way too calm after everything that happened. Hunter couldn't think about this right now though. He had a mission to do. He was going to listen to Darius. He was going to talk out his emotions, but it would be with himself.

I can't keep trying to forget, I need to open my mind and remember the past, that's the only way I'll be able to figure out who I am and what's right.

Hunter ran to his room told Flapjack it's time to go and he hopped on his staff. He flew out his window to a clearing in the forest he knew all too well with Flapjack in tow.


Kikimora walked into Belos' thrown room slightly nervous that she had messed something up.

"You asked for me sir."

Belos turned to face her. "Yes, I have a job for you."

Kikimora got excited. Maybe this included a promotion. "Whatever it is sir, I'll do it."

Belos smirked. "Of course you will. Well it seems we have a traitor in our midst. The Golden Guard is withholding information from me, he is protecting another traitor. He has gone soft. The only thing is I don't fully know why. I need you to spy on him and report back what you see."

Kikimora couldn't believe. The stuck up little Golden Guard was actually a traitor, and she got expose him.

"Of course sir, I'll be right on it."

She started walking away but froze when Belos spoke again. "Oh and don't fail me, or else you might not see the next day." Kikimora gulped and said of course again as she headed out to start her new mission.

Now that Belos had everything in order there was just one last person to check in with.

"Collector, we need to have...a discussion about our little Grimwalker...."

Word Count: 1180

Ooh slight cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed. The slowburn will soon be coming to end, just you wait.

Oh and quick question for Star Wars fans...

✨ Anakin or Obi-wan?✨

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