Ch.2 Peter meets Alice

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The next day, Alice walked around in her backyard. She looked up in the sky and watched birds fly by. She always wondered what it was like to fly, she wished that Peter Pan would teach her to fly so she could go to Neverland, and never grow up. Just then, her aunt went up to her followed by a young man wearing a suit who appeared to be in his 2o's.

"Alice" her aunt said "This is William Brooks, he just moved into the apartment next door".

"It's nice to meet you Alice" William smiled as he kissed her hand.

Alice gave a small smile "It's nice to meet you too".

Alice could tell that her aunt was trying to set them together.

"Why don't you too get to know each other while I help Will's family unpack" her aunt said.

"Aunty" Alice said "Can I talk to you alone?"

So her aunt and her went to a tree.

"I know you're trying to pair me with Will" Alice said.

"Well I mean he seems like a nice guy" her aunt said.

"I know, but I already told you, I don't think I want to get married".

Her aunt sighed "You're right, you're not ready yet, I'm sorry, but I think he'll be a great friend though".

"I'll be his friend" Alice said "But again, I don't want to get married".

That night, Peter went up to Alice's window and peeked inside to find her and her aunt talking.

"So what do you think about William?" her aunt asked.

"He's a nice guy" Alice said.

"That's it?" her aunt asked.

"Pretty much".

"Well there must be something more to him".

"Not that I know of".

Peter knew they were talking about some guy her aunt wanted her to marry. After her aunt left, Alice crawled into her bed and slept. But then Peter caught sight of something banging inside her drawer, he realized that it was his shadow, and he needed to get it back. So he slowly opened the window that Alice left unlocked, and quietly stepped into the room. He gazed at Alice and admired how pretty she looked even while sleeping. But he then remembered his shadow and went to the shaking drawer, he opened it and his shadow popped out and flew over the wall as Peter went after it, being careful not to knock over anything for it might wake up Alice. His shadow was too fast for him to catch, but he was then able to catch it's leg as they toppled over a table and knocked over some chairs, Peter was busy tackling his shadow that he didn't noticed that Alice had woken up.

"Peter Pan?!" Alice gasped.

Peter turned around shocked as he sat there frozen while clutching his shadow.

"Is it really you?" Alice asked as she got out of bed as went towards him, but Peter quickly back away a bit for he felt a bit shy.

"Oh don't worry I wont hurt you" she said, she then noticed his shadow "I can see you were looking for your shadow, I can sew it back on if you like".

"Um, ok" Peter said shyly as he got up.

"Just let me get my supplies" Alice said as she went to a drawer while Peter sat on her bed, he found that she acted like Wendy when they first met.

"Here we go" Alice said carrying a small box filled with sewing supplies "I'm Alice by the way".

"I know" Peter said as Alice thread a string through a needle.

"How do you know my name?" she asked as she started sewing on his shadow.

"Well, every night I would come by your window" he said.

"You come to my window every night?" she gasped.

"Sorry if I sound like a stalker-".

"No it's just, I knew you would come" she smiled "But, why me?"

"Well, I love listening to your Wonderland stories".

"You listen to my stories?"

"Yeah, it sounds fun, and I would love to visit it".

"Well I would love to visit Neverland".

"Yeah I've heard you talking about going to Neverland so that you wont grow up".

"Yeah" she sighed "My aunt wants me to grow up and get married".

"I know about that".

"Do you listen to everything we talk about?"

"Pretty much" he grinned.

"You eavesdropper" she smirked "So when did you discover my stories?"

"Well, my friend Wendy used to live in this apartment".

"Oh I know her, she's friend of mine, but she moved to Oxford with her husband and daughter".

"I know" Peter sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry that she had to grow up".

"It's fine" he said, but Alice could tell that he was a bit sad about it.

"Well, Wendy told me her stories about you" Alice said "And I've always believed in you ever since. I would sit by my window and wait for you so you can take me to Neverland".

"But I was always there, ever since Wendy moved, I would come to your window cause you reminded me of Wendy, but I was a bit shy to talk to you".

"Oh" Alice gave a small smile as she finished sewing the shadow on "There you go".

Peter got up and moved around as his shadow copied his moves.

"Thanks" Peter said.

Just then, they heard the sound of footsteps coming upstairs.

"Quick hide" Alice gasped as Peter quickly hid just as her aunt opened the door.

"Alice" she said "What's going on, I thought I heard some noise and you talking to someone".

"Oh I was just walking and I accidentally bumped into some stuff" Alice said "And I was talking to myself".

"Ok" her aunt said as she closed the door. Alice sighed in relief as she looked up to Peter who had pressed himself against the wall above the door. He too sighed in relief as he flew back down.

"It must be fun to fly" Alice said.

"Well I would let you fly" Peter said "But I don't have any pixie dust".

"Oh" Alice said sadly "But tell me, how's Neverland?"

Peter and Alice began talking about Neverland and Wonderland, they then bonded over their adventures. They talked until Alice was getting tired.

"I gotta get some sleep" she said.

"Aw, I was really enjoying out chat" Peter said.

"But, you'll be here tomorrow right?" she asked.

"Of course" he grinned.

"Well I'll be here as always".

"Goodnight Alice" Peter said as he opened the window.

"Goodnight Peter".

They both exchanged smiles and Peter flew out the window. As he flew, he couldn't stop thinking about Alice and how she reminded him of Wendy, and how she made him smile.

(Pic of Alice and 'Wonderland' song)

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