Ch.18 Poison arrow

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The next day, at late afternoon, Peter was pulled on deck and his hands were tied in front of him.

"Ah Pan" Hook grinned "Come here".

Hook used his hook to grab Peter by his shirt and pulled him to to the edge of the ship.

"Look who's ready to meet you" Hook said as he dropped a dead fish into the water.

They both watched as the crocodile swam up and ate the fish. The crocodile was as large as 2 horses put side by side. Peter's eyes widen and his heart beat with fear.

"Hear that?" Hook asked.

Peter listened to the sound of a clock ticking, it was the same clock that crocodile swallowed.

"Tic tock" Hook grinned "He's getting hungry, any last words Pan?"

"Yeah" Peter said as he got an idea "See yah".

Peter then stepped on Hook's toe and broke free from his grip, before the pirates could grab him, Peter flew up in the sky.

"Have you forgotten Hook?" Peter asked "Peter Pan never fails".

He then flew away from the ship.

"Bloody hell!" Hook growled.

"I've got this" Rose said with a bow and arrow in her hands.

She then took aim of Peter, and fired the arrow. The arrow flew in the air and hit Peter in the leg. He gave a cry as he felt himself falling down the sky and into the woods. But he quickly steady himself and landed safely on the ground. He sat on a large rock and pulled the arrow out of his leg and he clenched in pain. He then used the tip of the arrow to cut the ropes that bounded his wrists. After his hands were free, he looked at the bloody hole in his leg. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth and wrapped it around the wound.

Back on Hook's ship, Hook was amused when Rose shot the arrow at Peter.

"Nice" he commented "Now let's get him".

"Hold on" Rose stopped him "You don't have to. You see, I dipped the tip of that arrow in some poison, and now that it's in his body, he'll be dead in about 10 minutes".

"Wow" Hook said amused "How clever".

"I know" she smirked.

Back at the queen's palace, Alice's pain had finally healed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore" she gasped as she got out of bed "I can go save Peter now".

"Hold on" the White queen said "Can you fight in that dress?"

Alice looked at her blue dress, it was now a bit dirty including the white apron.

"I can fight in this" she said.

"But would you like some clothes that are easy to fight in?" the queen asked.

"But I have to go save Peter".

"Hold on" Tinkerbell said "I think I can change your clothes".

Tinkerbell pulled out a wand used it sprinkle blue fairy dust on Alice, and her clothes magically transformed. She was now wearing a blue blouse, black pants that are tucked into some brown laced up boots, and a sachet hung across her shoulder.

"Wow" she gasped "I had no idea you could do this Tink".

"It takes lot's of practice" Tink said.

"Well thank you" Alice said.

"And now your sword" the queen handed Alice the Vorpal sword.

Alice took the sword and slid it in her sword holder attached to her belt.

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