Ch.14 Bandersnatch

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The next day, Peter and Alice flew to Hook's ship where Hook and Rose were eating on deck. Peter held onto the fruits they picked, they then flew up to the side of the ship and peeked on board, they saw Hook and Rose sitting near a barrel with their cups of tea on the barrel. Peter and Alice both gave sneaky smiles as Alice threw a rock at other barrels creating a distraction.

"What was that?" Rose asked as she and Hook went to see what caused the distraction.

While they were looking, Peter squeezed the spicy fruit juice into their teas and he and Alice hid beneath the ship.

"Something probably fell" Hook said as they went back to their teas.

They then took a sip of their tea while Peter and Alice waited for their reaction. Hook and Rose noticed their tea tasted different, and then they started to taste the spicy juice. The juice was a hot as 50 chili peppers, and they began to scream as their face turned red and sweaty. Peter and Alice peeked over the side of the ship and watched as Hook and Rose ran around for something to cool the hot juice. Peter and Alice held back their laughter as Smee came out holding a pitcher of milk, Hook and Rose grabbed the pitcher and began to drink the milk, cooling down the spiciness.

"What was in that tea?!" Hook asked Rose.

"I don't know!" she said.

"Come on" Peter whispered to Alice as they flew away from the ship and into the woods.

But as they were flying, Alice felt herself going down.

"Peter" she said as she went down some more "I think I'm loosing my pixie dust".

"Oh oh" Peter said as he helped her land unhurt "Well I don't have any fairy dust with me".

"I guess I'll just walk" Alice shrugged.

"I'll walk with you" Peter said as they walked down the woods.

"Man that was hilarious" Alice said about the spicy juice prank on Hook and Rose.

"I know right" Peter agreed "I love messing with people".

He then began to talk some more, but Alice stopped listening when she she stepped on something making a crack noise. She looked and saw that she had stepped on some tiny bones, and she noticed large bear like footprints next to the bones. Her eyes widen, she realized where they were.

"Peter be quiet" she whispered.

"I mean I didn't mean to hurt his feelings-" Peter continued to talk and not noticing what she said.

"Peter shut up!" she hissed.

"What?" he said.

"Shh" she whispered.

Alice looked around the woods and listened carefully.

"What is it?" Peter whispered.

"We're in bandersnatch area" Alice whispered.


But before Alice could answer, a loud growl was heard. Peter and Alice pulled out their swords and looked for any incoming attacks. The growl was heard again, and they saw what appeared to be a white bear like beast coming out from behind the trees and growled at them.

"The bandersnatch" Alice said as she aimed her sword at the beast.

The bandersnatch gave a roar and charged at them.

"Look out!" Alice screamed as they moved out of the way as the bandersnatch ran pass them. But it went towards Peter.

Peter tried to defend himself with his sword, but the bandersnatch whacked the sword out of his hands and jumped on him.

"Peter!" Alice screamed.

Peter fell back as the beast roared in his face. He tried to get out but the bandersnatch was too heavy on him. But just as the beast was about to claw his face, Alice threw a rock at it's head. The bandersnatch turned around and saw Alice, it got off of Peter and went towards her. Alice aimed her sword at the beast as she stepped away from it, but it kept coming towards her. Peter tried to help her, but the bandersnatch kicked him into a tree knocking him out.

"Peter!" Alice screamed.

She looked at the bandersnatch as it kept growling and coming towards her, but then something shiny appeared on the ground, Alice realized that it was the sun reflecting off her compass, and it was attracting the bandersnatch. She moved the light around and the beast tried to catch it like a cat trying to catch a laser. Alice giggled as she watched the bandersnatch try to catch the light. She then aimed the light away from her and out in the woods as the bandersnatch went after it. She waited until the beast was really gone, and she stepped out from the sun and noticed Peter laying on the ground unconscious.

"Peter?" she gasped as she ran to him "Peter?" she said as she shook him hoping he'll respond.

"Boo!" Peter surprised her.

"Peter!" Alice said with anger as he just laughed.

"Gotcha" he grinned.

"That wasn't funny!" Alice said with a frown.

"It kinda was actually" he said as they got up "So is the bandersnatch gone?"

"Yeah, I hope, but we need to get out of this area before it comes back".

"Well in that case, I've got another place to show you".

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