Ch.17 Pan flute

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Upon Hook's ship where Peter was chained to a heavy ball that held him down on the deck and kept him from flying, Hook brushed his hook against Peter's face.

"You know Pan" Hook said "I've always wanted to kill you with this" he showed Peter the hook.

Peter avoided his eye contact.

"But I've got a better idea" Hook said "Do you know what time of the day the crocodile swims these water to search for food?"

"And by food you mean you" Peter smirked, but Hook just ignored him.

"It comes during the late afternoon" Hook said "When the sun is up so it'll be easy for the crocodile to find his prey".

"You" Peter smirked again.

Hook then went up to Peter and gave a small smirk, he then grabbed Peter's throat and began to squeeze it.

"Make fun all you want Pan" Hook scowled "Because tomorrow at late afternoon, I wont be the crocodile's prey anymore".

Peter gasped for air and he figured out what Hook meant.

"I bet the croc will like the taste of your flesh and blood" Hook said as he let go of Peter and he gasped for air.

"You wont get away with this Hook" Peter scowled.

"I think I will" Hook grinned "I means who's gonna save you? Alice can't cause she's dead".

Hook then used his hook to scratch Peter's arm, leaving a bloody mark.

"So it looks like you're doomed Pan" Hook said "Doomed".

Tinkerbell watched from the sails as she gasped from what she heard, she then flew away to tell Alice.

At the White queen's palace, Alice laid in bed as she felt the pain on where her wound used to be. She couldn't stop thinking about Peter, she didn't know if he was still alive or not, she just kept hoping that he was all right. She then saw Tinkerbell fly in.

"Tink" she gasped "Did you find him?"

"He's being held prisoner on Hook's ship" Tink said as Caterpillar translated "Hook's planning on killing him tomorrow during late afternoon".

"What?!" Alice gasped "No I gotta save him".

She tried to get out of bed but the pain caused her to fall back.

"You have to wait till tomorrow for the pain to heal" The White queen said.

"But what about Peter?" she asked.

"The pain should heal by late afternoon tomorrow, you can still save Peter" Caterpillar said.

"Late afternoon?" Alice gasped "But that's when Hook's gonna kill him, what if I'm too late?"

"I'm sure you can save him in time. But you have to wait till the pain heals".

"Alice I'm sure he'll be ok" the queen said.

Alice let herself fall back on the pillows, she hoped that she'll be able to save Peter before it's too late.

On Hook's ship, Peter was chained in a small empty cabin inside the ship, all the room had was a window where Peter could see the stars come out. All he could think about was Alice, he thought she was gone for good. The night was too quiet, so he then took out his pan flute and began to play a slow melody. The music played out the window and to the White queen's palace where the sound struck Alice's ears. She slowly got up clenching the pain and looked out the window. She knew it was the sound of Peter playing his pan flute, it sounded as if he was next to her.

"Don't worry Peter" she said "I'm coming".

Sorry for the short chapter, I had writer's block

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