Ch.23 Big adventure

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After Wendy and her family left, Alice went to her room and pulled out her mini mirror, but just before she could place it on the ground, there was a tap at the window, it was Peter.

"Oh Peter" Alice gasped "I thought Wendy told me you left".

"I did" he said as he came in "But since you're leaving to Wonderland today, I thought I could come with you and see how the looking glass works".

"Well all right then".

"So, are you ready to go?"


Alice then placed the mini mirror on the floor, and it enlarged into a full size looking glass, the mirror then showed Wonderland.

"So that's how it works" Peter concluded.

"Well" Alice said "Here we go".

Peter and Alice held hands as they looked into the looking glass, Alice then looked back at her room.

"Goodbye reality" she said as she and Peter walked through the looking glass and into Wonderland.

Wonderland was back to how it was before it collided with Neverland, everything was back in place.

"So this is Wonderland huh?" Peter asked.

"Yeah" Alice said.

"I like it".

"So, you have to wait till nightfall in order to go back to Neverland?" Alice asked.

"Actually, I've discovered something, I can go to Neverland through the looking glass".


"It's true, Caterpillar told me".

"Huh, how come that hasn't happened to me?"

"Try it now".

Alice place the mirror on the ground and it enlarged, the mirror showed Neverland.

"How can that be?" Alice asked.

"Caterpillar said that the mirror knows where you want to go".

"Wow, going to Neverland just got easy".

The mirror then went back to it's mini size and Alice placed it back in her apron pocket.

"Alice!" a voice called.

Peter and Alice turned around and saw the Hatter coming towards them.

"Hi Mr. Hatter" Alice smiled.

"I heard you're staying in Wonderland now" Hatter said.

"I am, and the best thing is, no one in Wonderland has to grow up".

"Well I'm glad you're staying, cause you're late for tea".

Alice giggled "I'll join you later".

"See you then" Hatter tipped his hat as he went away.

"So now that you're in Wonderland" Peter said "What are you gonna do now?"

"Huh?" Alice said "I don't know".

Alice then started to think.

"Well" she said "I actually want to explore Neverland".

"Really?" Peter said.

"Yeah, I mean, I've been to Wonderland lots of times, but I never got to explore just Neverland".

"Well I never got to explore just Wonderland" Peter said.

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