Ch.11 Hide

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As Peter and Alice walked in the woods, Alice suddenly stopped as looked in front of her.

"What is it?" Peter asked as he looked to what she was looking at.

In front of them stood the Queen's castle and next to it floated Hook's ship.

"No way" they gasped.

They both headed towards the castle and the ship and saw a rose bush that had white roses that were painted red.

"Uh, why are these roses painted red?" Peter asked.

"No time to explain" Alice said.

The gardeners must of planted the white roses instead of the red one, the queen wanted red roses, so the gardeners had to paint them red or else it'll be off with their heads.

Peter followed Alice as they came upon the ship.

"This is a nice ship" Alice said "The Jolly Roger" she read the ship's name.

Just then, Alice caught sight of Hook and Rose coming out from the ship.

"Quick hide" she ordered as they hid behind some rose bushes and watched Rose and Hook go pass them.

"Hey" Peter whispered "Let's go in and see if there's anything in there that we should know about them".

"What?" Alice asked, but Peter was already flying to the ship.

"Peter!" Alice hissed, but he just ignored her. She then sighed as she flew up to him.

They looked on board, all of Hook's crew were asleep.

"Come on" Peter whispered as they quietly went on board, being careful not to wake up the crew. Alice followed Peter to the door that led to the cabin, luckily it was unlocked, so Peter opened the door slowly and peeked in, it was empty. They both went inside the cabin and quietly shut the door. The cabin had lots of swords and guns around.

"Let's look around" Peter suggested as he looked on the table "Whoa, Alice look at this, he held up a locket that had a picture of an old lady with a hook for a hand "I think this is Hook's mother".

"Wow" Alice laughed "No wonder their name is Hook".

"Wonder how she lost her hand" Peter said as he put the locket down.

As they looked around, Alice found a pistol on a shelf.

"Wonder if this is loaded" she said, but then her fingers slipped and it pulled the trigger shooting a bullet that missed Peter's head by inches!

"Yeah it's loaded" Alice concluded as she put the pistol down.

"Yeah I wouldn't touch anything" Peter suggested.

Just then, Peter and Alice heard voices coming towards the door.

"Quick hide" Peter whispered as they hid under the bed. They heard the door open and Rose and Hook came in.

"Where is that orb?!" Rose said "Where else haven't we looked?"

Peter and Alice now knew that they were looking for the Ever orb.

"I've been trying to locate the Lost boy's camp" Hook said "But I just can't seem to find it".

"Well I've been trying to find the White rabbit's house" Rose said as she sat on the bed, Peter and Alice froze as the bed pressed down against them. Peter put his finger to his lips to remain quiet.

"If we can find Alice and this Peter Pan" Rose said "Maybe they can tell us where it is".

"Yeah, if they do know where it is" Hook said as he looked at a map "Maybe we should try the Native's territory next".

"And then maybe the March Hare's place" Rose said "But for now, let's take a break".

"With pleasure" Hook grinned as he took off his coat.

He then went to Rose and they started to kiss. Peter and Alice could here them kissing, their eyes widen.

"Now what?" Alice mouthed the words to Peter.

Peter tried to look for a way to get out, but to their luck, someone called for Hook and Rose.

"Now what" Hook groaned as they got off the bed as left the room.

Peter and Alice sighed in relief as they crawled out from under the bed.

"I've had enough of this" Peter said as he went to the window where they flew in from "Come on".

Alice followed Peter out just as Hook and Rose came back in. They flew away from the ship hoping that Hook and Rose didn't see them.

"So they are looking for the Ever orb" Alice concluded as they flew.

"They're looking for us too" Peter added "We just gotta make sure they don't find the orb".

"Or us" Alice added.

"Yeah that too".

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