Ch.15 Shot

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Peter carried Alice as they flew over the seas and towards an old castle decorated with stone dragons and gargoyles and surrounded by tall rocks. Peter flew themselves down on the castle and set Alice down.

"Where are we?" Alice asked.

"The Black castle" Peter said "This is where I rescued Tiger Lily when she was taken by Hook. But now this is where I would watch the waves go by".

Alice joined Peter as they watched the waves brush against the rocks.

"Hey Alice" Peter said "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did" she giggled.

"Oh" he chuckled "But, the real question I wanna ask you is: Can you grow up in Wonderland?"

"I actually don't know" Alice said.

"Well in that case, when we separate Neverland and Wonderland, I was wondering if you can stay in Neverland with me".

"Really?" she gasped.

"Yeah, I mean, you don't wanna grow up right? Well you can stay in Neverland and you wont have to grow up and get married".

"Well, it is kinda boring living in reality" she admitted "And of course I don't wanna grow up and get married. But, I still don't know if I should or not".

Peter gave a sigh.

"Peter" Alice put her hand on his cheek "Why don't you give some time to think about it? Ok?"

"Ok" he said as she put her hand away "Alice, there's also something I wanna confess to you. I really like you".

Hearing those words made Alice smile.

"I mean, without you, my life wouldn't be complete" he continued "You're an amazing girl, and since Wendy had to grow up, you're like all I have. And you mean to me more than anything in this world".

"Aww Peter" Alice smiled, feeling her heart flutter "I also-".

"Well well" a voice interrupted.

Peter and Alice turned around to see Hook and Rose along with some pirates and card guards.

"I thought we'd find these two here" Hook grinned.

"Hook" Peter frowned.

"Pan" Hook frowned back.

"Hello Alice" Rose said "It's been a while".

"It has been a while" Alice said as she crossed her arms "You look different, have you done something to your face, or has it always been this frighting?".

Peter gave a chuckle.

"Very funny" Rose grunted "Now, would you be useful for once and answer this simple question? Where's the Ever orb?"

"Huh?" Alice asked.

"You know what I'm talking about" Rose said "Where is it?!"

"Oh the Ever orb" Alice said "Yeah, we don't know where it is".

Rose could tell she was lying.

"You know what I do to people who lie to me?" she asked.

"Off with their heads" Alice answered.

"Correct" Rose said as she motioned the guards to go after them along with the pirates.

"Well this should be interesting" Peter said as he and Alice pulled out their swords.

They then began fighting the guards and pirates. They were able to knock some guards and pirates off the cliff and down onto the rocks and in the rough flowing water. After a moment of fighting, Hook couldn't take it any more, he grabbed Alice by the shoulder and put a gun to her head.

"That enough!" he yelled as they stopped fighting.

"Alice!" Peter gasped when he saw Hook holding onto her.

"Pan" Hook said "Tell me where the orb is, and I'll let her go".

"Peter don't do it" Alice said as she shook with fear.

"Hook" Peter said as he held his hand up "Let her go".

"Only if you tell us where the orb is" Hook said.

Peter didn't know what to do, he couldn't let Hook and Rose get the orb, but he also couldn't let Hook kill Alice. But he had no other choice, he knew what he had to do. He sighed as he dropped his sword.

"I'll show you where the orb is" he said "Just let her go".

"Peter" Alice gasped.

"You promise?" Hook asked.

"Only if you promise that you will not hurt Alice" Peter said.

"I'll promise if you swear to lead us to the orb and not somewhere else".

Peter gave a sign as he lowered his head "I promise".

"Very well" Hook said as he pushed Alice away and she fell near the cliff.

"Oh poor little Alice" Rose said sarcastically as she looked over Alice "You finally realize what you really are, a failure".

Alice looked into Rose's eyes, she felt her blood began boil. She then noticed a dagger beside her, she quickly rolled over and grabbed the dagger. She then got up and raised it above her head to stab the queen, but before she could do it, Rose held out a gun and shot Alice in the stomach!

"Alice!" Peter screamed as he tried to run to her, but Hook held onto him.

Alice looked at the bullet hole in her stomach and the blood coming out. She put her hand over it and dropped the dagger. She then felt herself loosing her balance, she felt her eyes closing. She then lost her balance and fell over the cliff.

"Alice!" Peter screamed as Alice fell down the cliff.

Peter couldn't believe what he just saw, he felt his eyes water as he turned to Rose who was still holding the gun.

"You, killed her" Peter said as he felt tears come out.

"Well it wouldn't of happened if you didn't try to kill me" Rose said.

"Now" Hook said "Show us where the orb is".

Peter scowled at everyone as more tears came out.

"Come on" Hook ordered as they took Peter away.

Down below the castle, Alice fell on the beach instead of the water. She still had her hand over the wound as she laid there motionless. The last thing she heard was Peter screaming her name.

Don't worry, it doesn't end here, there's more coming soon.

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