Ch.19 Faced with enemies

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Sorry I haven't written in a while, writer's block

As Peter and Alice flew towards Rose's castle and Hook's ship, Alice had a sudden thought.

"Peter" she said "Do we even know where the orb is?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

"I mean, is the Orb on Hook's ship or in Rose's castle?" Alice asked "What if they hid it somewhere else?"

"Oh man, I never thought of that".

"So what do we do?"

"Well, I think we should split up and check both places".


"You can check the castle while I check the ship".

"But what if it's not in either of them?"

"We just have to look first".

They soon came upon Hook's ship and Rose's castle.

"Well" Peter said "If Rose tries to kill you again, good luck".

"Same to you" Alice said.

Peter then flew up to Hook's ship while Alice went to Rose's castle. Peter made sure the pirates weren't looking as he flew up and hid in the sails, while Alice sneaked into the castle without being seen.

"Pan must be dead now" Hook grinned "And thank Rose for shooting him with that poison arrow".

"So now that Peter's gone" Smee said "What are you gonna do now?"

"I'm gonna celebrate that's what, drink all the rum I can get and then separate Neverland from Wonderland".

"Captain" Smee said "Where exactly is the Ever orb?"

"Somewhere safe".

"And where exactly is this safe spot?" Peter asked loud enough for Hook to hear.

Hook looked up in the sails and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Peter.

"Pan?!" he gasped "But I thought-".

"You thought I was dead cause Rose shot me with a poison arrow?" Peter finished "Well I had some help from a friend who save my life, so it looks like you're not celebrating".

"Yet" Hook added as he pulled out his sword "I guess I'll just take care of you myself".

Peter gave a sneaky grin as he pulled out his sword.

"I can deal with that" he grinned as he flew down from the sails and they started to fight.

Meanwhile, Alice walked into the castle without being spotted by the guards. But when she turned around a corner, some guards spotted her.

"Hey!" they yelled as Alice pulled out her sword and she started to attack. And by the time she was done, all of the guards were on the floor in pain.

Alice then made it to the aisle where a red carpet lead to Rose's heart throne, and Rose was sitting on her throne eating some tarts and not noticing Alice. Alice watched as the cherry juice ran down Rose's chin.

"Is that how a queen eats?" Alice asked Rose.

Rose looked up and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Alice.

"Alice?" she gasped as she whipped the juice off her chin "But I thought-".

"You thought I was dead cause she shot me?" Alice asked "Well unlike you, I have friends who saved me".

Rose then saw that Alice didn't have a bullet hole in her stomach.

"Uh, isn't there suppose to be a bullet hole in your stomach?" she asked "Wait, never mind that, what are you doing here?"

"Where's the Ever orb?" Alice asked.

"The Ever orb?" Rose said "You mean this?" she opened a secret door on the side of her throne and pulled out the Ever orb "Such beauty isn't it?"

"That doesn't belong to you" Alice said.

"Well it doesn't belong to you either" Rose added.

"Look Rose, I need the orb to separate Wonderland from Neverland".

"Oh I'll do that" Rose said "Just after I kill you".

Alice's eyes widen as Rose stood up.

"Cause if you want something done" Rose said "You gotta do it yourself".

And with that Rose formed a ball of light in her hands and threw it at Alice, but Alice quickly dodged the light as it flew over her head.

"But how did you-" she was about to ask.

"The Ever orb can give me any power I want" Rose answered "For example".

Rose then used her power to form strong wind that pushed Alice back against the wall and fell to the floor. Alice got up in pain and looked at Rose with a mad look.

"Oh it's on" she scowled.

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