Ch.7 The Lost boys

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Alice couldn't believe she was seeing the Lost boys, she's wanted to meet them after Wendy told her about them. Peter introduced the boys as Nibs, Slightly, Tootles, Curly, and the Twins.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you boys" Alice smiled.

"Peter told us about your Wonderland stories" Slightly said "We really enjoy them".

"Can you tell us the stories?" Tootles asked.

"We should go to the camp first" Peter suggested as he turned to Alice "And then you can tell us the stories".

"All right" Alice said as the boys led her through the woods and they soon came to a camp site with houses in the trees.

"This is nice place" Alice commented.

"It's our home" Peter said "But it's a secret place to hide from the pirates".

"Come in Alice" Curly said as they led her into the camp and they sat around a camp fire.

"Can you tell us the stories now?" Tootles asked.

"Well all right" Alice said as she began to tell her Wonderland stories. As Peter watched, he remembered how Wendy used to tell them stories. He missed her stories, but he'll never forget them.

Meanwhile, Tinkerbell and her friends were flying the Ever orb over the land using their pixie dust the carry it.

"Man this ball is heavy" a fairy said.

"Don't worry we're almost there" Tink said as they continued to fly the orb to Peter and Alice.

They were finally able to reach the camp site where they found the Lost boys and Peter listening to Alice's stories. They flew down into the camp with the orb.

"Tink" Peter gasped when he saw the orb "You made it".

"Yeah" she said as she rubbed her arms "It was heavy".

"Well thanks" he said as the fairies flew away.

"What is that?" the boys asked.

"The Ever orb" Peter said as he told them about the cause of the colliding lands.

"We collided with Wonderland?" the boys said as Alice nodded.

"But now that we have it" Peter said "We can reverse this".

"But I don't wanna do it now" Alice said "I want to explore and finish my stories".

"Yeah!" the boys cheered.

Peter gave a small smile "Sure, why not? But we gotta put this somewhere safe, and I know just the place".

Alice followed Peter down into a secret room underground. He then removed a tiny curtain in the wall which showed a hole big enough for the orb.

"It's my secret compartment" he told Alice.

"Wait" she said as she pulled out a thimble from the hole "Is this the 'kiss' Wendy gave you?"

"Yeah" he smiled, remembering the time Wendy told him what a kiss was.

"What else is in there?" Alice asked.

"A pocket watch" he showed her the watch "A compass, an acorn, and that's pretty much it".

Peter then slid the orb into the hole and closed it.

"What if someone finds it?" Alice asked.

"I've got it" he said as he moved a shelf in front if it.

"You think it'll work?" she asked.

"I hope so. So can you finish the stories now?"

"Sure" she smiled as they went out from the secret room.

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