Ch.13 Pixie hollow

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Alice followed Peter in the sky, thinking about where he was taking her. They then flew down to an area surrounded with beautiful trees and flowers.

"Where are we?" Alice asked.

"Pixie hollow" Peter grinned as some fairies flew in front of them.

Alice gasped as fairy flew up to her face, the fairy gave a smile as she touched her nose and flew away.

"Come on" Peter said "I wanna show you something".

Alice followed Peter through the fairy woods until they came upon a big tree with fairy dust flowing down the tree.

"This is the pixie dust tree" Peter said "This is where all of the pixie dust is made".

A fairy carrying a leaf bucket went up to the tree and scooped up the dust in the leaf bucket.

"Fairies need to apply pixie dust every once in a while in order to fly" Peter said.

"Curiouser and curiouser" Alice said.

"Hey we should come back here tonight" Peter said "The fairies are having a festival tonight to celebrate their queen's birthday".

"I didn't know the fairies have a queen" Alice said.

"Well you can meet her tonight".

That night, Peter and Alice returned to Pixie hollow. The fairy festival was held near the pixie dust tree. They sat on the grass and watched as the fairies danced, ate, and talked in their tiny bell voice. Just then the music stopped and the fairies looked up to see the fairy queen and her subjects flying towards the festival.

"There's the queen" Peter whispered to Alice.

Alice got a closer look of the queen.

"She's beautiful" she whispered.

The fairy queen then noticed Alice, she then flew up to her face. Alice held her finger up to the queen, the queen didn't fly away but instead touched Alice's finger and smiled.

"Is this the girl Alice you told us about?" the queen asked Peter.

"She is" Peter smiled.

"She's beautiful" the queen said.

"She is isn't she?"

Alice gave a small blush, even though she couldn't understand what the queen was saying, she could tell what they were talking about. The fairy queen then flew back to her subjects as they escort her to the throne. The music began to play again. A fairy then flew up to Alice and held out a tiny cupcake that was the size of a dime.

"Oh" Alice said as she held out her hand and the fairy placed the cupcake on her palm.

"That's a fairy cupcake" Peter said "They may be tiny, but they have a big taste".

Alice then ate the cupcake.

"Oh you're right" she said "They do have a big taste, and it's really good".

She turned to the fairy.

"Thank you" she smiled as the fairy flew back to the festival.

"The main ingredient is pixie dust" Peter said "That's what gives it that extra sweetness".

"I think I need to use some pixie dust in my cooking" Alice smiled.

After a few minutes of watching, a slow song started to play and the fairies began to dance with each other.

"You wanna dance?" Peter asked Alice.

"Oh" she said surprised "I-I don't know, I'm a little nervous".

"Well come on" he said as he held got up and held out his hand "You'll like it".

Alice decided to take his hand and he helped her up. He then led her to an empty spot where they could still hear the music. Peter then wrapped his hand around Alice's waste and puled her in as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Ready?" he asked.

"I guess" she said.

"Just follow me".

Peter led the way as they danced, and Alice was getting the hang of it.

"There you go" Peter smiled.

Alice felt herself smile, she was starting to enjoy the dance. But as they dance, Peter tripped over a tree root that grew out of the ground and they both fell down with Alice on top of Peter.

"You ok?" Alice asked as she giggled.

"I'm fine" he said.

Alice was about the get up, but she couldn't stop looking into Peter's dreamy eyes.

"Um" she said, snapping herself out of her daydream.

She then got off of Peter and helped him up.

"So um, what do you want to do now?" Peter asked.

"Well, what other fun things are here?" Alice asked.

The sound of that made Peter grin. He led Alice to a different part of Pixie hollow where these odd looking red fruits grew on trees.

"I like to pick these fruits and squeeze the juice into Hook's foods when he's not looking" Peter said "They make the food extra spicy. And man his reaction is hilarious to watch".

"Oo, I would love to see that" Alice giggled.

"Well in order to do so we need to pick these fruits".

"I'm on it" Alice said as she began to climb a tree.

"Uh, can you climb in that dress?" Peter said.

"Of course" she said "I climb a lot of trees in dresses, even though my aunt doesn't like it".

She then climbed to where the fruits grew. She reached her arm out and pulled a fruit off.

"Here's one" she threw the fruit to Peter who caught it.

Alice threw down some more fruits and Peter set them aside.

"I think 1 more would be good" he said.

Alice reached for a fruit that was a bit far from her, she scooted closer but it was still a bit far from her. But she decided to go for it, but as she reached for it, she slipped and fell off the tree, but Peter was able to catch her in his arms.

"Oh, thank you" Alice said as he put her down.

"Never mind that last fruit" he said "This is enough".

They gathered the fruits and headed back to the fairy festival.

"We can do this tomorrow" Peter said as he started to eat one of the fruits.

"Isn't that spicy?" Alice asked.

"Only the juice is the most spicy" he said with his mouthful "But the meat isn't that spicy, try one".

Alice took a fruit and took a bite of it.

"Oh you're right" she said as she chewed the fruit "It isn't that spicy".

"It's good though huh?"

"Yeah" she said as they continued back.

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