Ch.9 The Hatter

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The next morning, Peter followed Alice in the sky as she searched for something.

"What are you looking for?" Peter asked.

"You'll see" she said as she kept on looking "There it is" she pointed as Peter followed her and they landed in front of a large tea table decorated with teapots and cups with different designs, streamers and paper lanterns hung over the table, cupcakes and finger sandwiches filled the plates. Chairs of different sizes surrounded the table, and there sleeping on the big red couch chair was the Mad Hatter, his green top hat draped over his eyes.

"Hatter!" Alice called as he woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Alice?" he said when he saw her.

"Yes, it's me" she said.

The Hatter's eyes brighten.

"It's been a while" he said, he then noticed Peter "Peter Pan?"

"Yes" Alice said.

"Ah, so you're the one Alice told me about" Hatter said as he got up and went up to Peter "It's a pleasure to finally meet you" he held his hand out for Peter to shake. But when Peter tried to grab it, Hatter moved his hand to the left, Peter tried to grab it again, but Hatter moved it again, Peter tried to grab his hand, but Hatter kept moving it.

"I'm just joking around" Hatter laughed as he grabbed Peter's hand and shook it.

"Hatter" Alice said "I suppose you don't know what happened to Wonderland".

"Well" Hatter said "I was drinking tea when all of a sudden, Wonderland emerged from the ground and it collided with some other land in the sky".

"Yeah, Neverland" Peter said as he and Alice told about the Ever orb.

"Ah, I've heard about the Ever orb" Hatter said "Where is it now?"

"Somewhere safe" Peter said.

"Well it better be safe" Hatter said "We don't want it to end up in the wrong hands".

"Well we're gonna use it to separate the lands soon" Alice said "But we're exploring this place first".

"Well why don't you join me for tea?" Hatter asked.

"Sure" Alice said as she picked up a teacup, but before she could take a sip, the teacup flew out of her hands.

"Is that a floating teacup?" Peter gasped.

"Yep" Alice said "Objects tend to fly around in Wonderland".

"Here Peter" Hatter said "Have some tea" he poured some tea into a cup.

"Thank you" Peter said as he picked up the teacup, but he found that his tea had suddenly vanished, he was sure there was tea in it.

"Uh, where's my tea?" he asked.

"Oh" Hatter said as he took off his hat "Here it is" he tipped his hat over the cup and tea poured out, Peter's eyes widen.

"There you go" Hatter said as he put his hat back on.

"Um, thank you" Peter said, a little shock at what he just saw.

"Peter" Alice said "Would you like a cupcake?"


Alice then snapped her fingers at a pink cupcake with a cherry on top, and the Peter's surprise, the cupcake levitated! The cupcake then floated to Peter and he grabbed hold of the cupcake.

"Amazing" he commented as he ate the cherry.

"I know right?" Alice said. But before she could take take a sip of her tea, Rose's card guards and Hook's pirates jumped out from the woods with their weapons in their hands. Alice, Peter and Hatter quickly jumped out of their seats and huddled together, Peter pulled out his small sword as he covered Alice.

"Peter Pan" a pirate said.

"Alice" a card guard said "Her majesty Queen of Hearts and Captain Hook had sent us to bring you to them".

"Good luck with that" Peter scowled.

"Get them" a pirate ordered as the pirates and guards started to attack them. Hatter grabbed hold of a guards spear and shoved the guards away as he battled more guards. Peter used his small sword against the pirates.

"Alice!" Peter called "Find somewhere safe!"

"No" she said "I'm gonna help" and with that she used her elbow to jab a pirate's nose as she pulled his sword away, she then started to fight the other pirates and guards. Peter was impressed by her actions, he had never seen a girl fight so well. But a pirate then wrapped his arms around Alice's neck as he tried to pull her away, but Alice stepped on his toes hard as she broke away from his grip and kicked him in the stomach sending him on the ground. Peter on the other hand was having no problem fighting the guards, his flight helped him which made it easier for him for strike. After a while of fighting, the guards and the pirates gave up and fled. No one was hurt.

"Wow Alice" Peter said "How did you learn to fight like that?"

"You never know when you're gonna run into trouble" Alice said.

"Man" Hatter said "That was, surprising".

"But the Vorpal sword is more powerful" Alice added "If I had that sword, I could fight better".

"The Vorpal sword is thrust in the Tumtum tree" Hatter said "If you can find it, you can find the sword".

"I need to use that sword" Alice said.

"Well where is this Tumtum tree?" Peter asked.

"I don't know" Alice shrugged "It could be in a new place now since the lands collided".

"Well what does it look like?" Peter asked.

"It's a big grey tree with black stripes on it's bark" Hatter explained "It has green palm size leaves with primposies and sillyroses".

"What?" Peter said.

"There these Wonderland flowers" Alice said.

"The sword is thrust into the tree" Hatter continued "Only a true champion can pull it out".

"You think you can do it Alice?" Peter asked.

"I guess" she said "But it's worth a try".

After Peter and Alice said bye to Hatter, they flew up in the sky in search for the Tumtum tree.

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