Ch.8 The natives

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Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've got writer's block

"Peter" Alice said as she followed him that night "Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he said "So I've been meaning to ask you, how did you discover Wonderland?"

"Well, I actually created it" she said "I was sick of reality so I created my own world. But when I told people about it, they thought I've gone mad and they've been telling me to grow up. But instead I just ignored them and did my own things".

"Wow" Peter said "Were you offended?".

"Not really, I'm used to it".

"Oh" he said as they reached a mountain "Now I think we should fly up this mountain".

"What?" Alice said.

"I wanna show you something that's up this mountain" he said.

"Oh ok".

Peter and Alice then flew up the mountain until they reached the top.

"This is the Neverpeak mountain" he said "And this is what I wanted to show you".

Alice gasped at the sighting. They were looking at all of NeverWonderland. She saw the Mermaid lagoon, fairies flying, rocking-horse flies, giant mushrooms, the Lost boys camp site in the Neverwood, the Tulgey woods, and the stars shimmered over the land.

"This is amazing" she gasped.

"Amazing as you" Peter wanted to say, but couldn't get it out.

"Hey" Alice pointed to some smoke coming from a camp "Is that the Native's camp site?"

"You want to meet them?" Peter asked.


"Come on" Peter grabbed her hand as they flew to the Native's camp. When they landed in front of the camp, the natives stopped what they were doing and looked at Alice, who felt a bit shy.

"Hey guys" Peter said "This is Alice. Remember the girl I told you guys about?"

"Alice?" a native girl went up to them with her brightly colored eyes and long black hair "The one who went to Wonderland?"

"Yes" Alice said.

"Well it's a pleasure to finally meet you" the girl smiled "I'm Tiger Lily".

"Oh I've heard about you" Alice said.

"Well, it seems that our land has collided with some other odd land" Tiger Lily put in.

"We know" Peter said "It collided with Wonderland".

"Wonderland?" Tiger Lily gasped as they explained about the Ever orb.

"Oh I've heard about the Ever orb" Tiger Lily said "Doesn't it like, give anyone more power and stuff".

"I guess" Peter said "And we're gonna use it to separate the lands, but later, we're exploring the new place".

"Yeah it's really interesting" Alice said.

"It is" Tiger Lily agreed "So why don't you join us for dinner, you can tell us about your adventures in Wonderland".

"Oh, I'd love to" Alice smiled as she and Peter joined the natives for dinner.

Back at the queen's castle, Rose was pacing back and forth, thinking about the Ever orb.

"Where is it?" she asked herself "They must know where it is".

"But the real question is" Hook said "Where are they?"

"Since the jubjub bird failed to get them cause of some Lost boys" she said as she thought "Maybe I need to send some of my guards to get them".

"And to make it easier" Hook added "I'll send some of my pirates to search".

"Clever" Rose grinned "Double the armies".

After they sent put their men, Rose and Hook watched them go on Rose's balcony. They gazed over NeverWonderland.

"We'll find them" Hook said as he brushed her hair with his hook "And then we can get anything we want".

"I do love the sound of that" Rose grinned as she gazed into his blue eyes, feeling a bit flirty with him.

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