Ch.10 The Vorpal sword

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"Do you see it?" Peter asked Alice as they flew over the land.

"No" Alice said as she searched for the Tumtum tree. Just then, she caught sight of a large grey tree with black stripes on it's bark.

"I see it!" she exclaimed as she flew towards the tree with Peter following. She landed in front of the tree, she saw the blue primposies and yellow sillyroses bloom on the tree branches next to the green leaves, she had found the Tumtum tree. And there thrust in the trunk was the Vorpal sword.

"There it is" she said as she went over to the handle of the sword. She admired the beautiful designs on the handle.

"You think you can pull it out?" Peter asked.

"Let's see" she said as she gripped the handle and started to pull, and the sword came out just like that. The sword glowed a blue light, it was longer then Alice's arm, the carvings on the blade stood out, and the blue light went out.

"It's beautiful" Alice gasped as she ran her fingers against the blade.

"So you are a true hero" Peter concluded.

Alice amdired the sword some more.

"So, you wanna practice?" Peter asked.

"What?" Alice said.

"You wanna practice sword fighting?" Peter repeated.

"Against you?"

"Why not?" he shrugged.

Alice gave a small grin "All right".

Peter pulled out his small sword.

"Don't be fooled by the small sword" he said.

"Oh, I won't be fooled" Alice said as she got ready.

Peter got into a defense pose with a sneaky smile on his face, and then he attacked, but Alice quickly defended herself and used the Vorpal sword against him. They then pressed their swords against each other and got close to each others face. Peter couldn't stop looking into her eyes.

"You're pretty good" he said.

"I know" Alice grinned as she stepped away from him. They then fought again. As they fought, Peter knocked the sword out of Alice's hand and into the air and caught it, he pointed the sword and his sword at her.

"Nice one" Alice said.

"It's what you get from practicing" Peter said as he gave her back the sword.

"Well now that I have the Vorpal sword" Alice said "I can fight better".

"You wanna practice some more?"

"Nah, I wanna do some more exploring".

"Yeah me too" Peter agreed as they walked into the woods for some more exploring to do.

Down in the cabin on Hook's ship, Hook and Rose talked about how the pirates and guards had failed to bring back Peter and Alice.

"This is great" Rose said sarcastically "We're never gonna find them".

"Oh Rose" Hook said as he brushed her hair with his hook and rubbed her shoulder with his other hand "We'll find them, and they'll show us where the orb is, and we can get out revenge".

"Well Alice can be very sneaky" Rose said.

"So can Pan" Hook said "That boy really gets on my nerves".

"What should we do now? Send out a bandersnatch?"


"Never mind".

Rose then turned to face Hook.

"You know" she said "Maybe we should take a break from this".

"I agree" Hook said "Bye the way, have I told you that you have nice eyes?"

"Oh" Rose said as she put her arms around Hook's neck "I have nice eyes huh? So do you".

Hook and Rose then felt their lips press against each other. Rose smelt the scent of cigars from Hook's breath, but she didn't mind. Hook tasted the cherry lip balm on Rose's lips. They both just kept on kissing and hugging for a while.

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