Ch.5 The Warning

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Peter and Alice walked around NeverWonderland and admired the new place. A dragonfly then flew up to them and blew out fire.

"Woah!" Peter gasped.

"An actual dragonfly" Alice said as they soon reached a lagoon with large rocks covered in seaweed and vines hanged over the water.

"Wait" Peter said "I know this lagoon".

Peter then went closer to the lagoon to get a better look, he looked in the water and saw shadows of creatures swimming.

"This is Mermaid lagoon" he said.

"Mermaids?!" Alice gasped as she went to Peter and looked in the water and saw the mermaids's shadows.

Just then, the mermaids popped their heads out of the water and looked at them with their beautiful scaly faces.

"No way" Alice gasped.

The mermaids then swam to Peter and Alice.

"Peter!" the mermaid gasped.

"We've missed you" a mermaid said "Something happened to our land".

"We know" Peter said "It collided with Wonderland".

"Wonderland?" the mermaids said.

"My land" Alice said.

"Who are you?" a mermaid asked in an annoyed tone, Alice guess they didn't like her with Peter.

"I'm Alice" she said.

"She looks like that Wendy girl" a mermaid said.

"Maybe it's her fault for this" another mermaid said.

"Actually it's-" Peter began to say.

"And that dress doesn't even look good on her" a mermaid cut in.

"Hey!" Alice frowned.

"I'll make it better" a mermaid grinned as she splashed water onto Alice's dress and the mermaids giggled.

"Girls!" Peter yelled as they stopped giggling.

"Leave her alone!" he said "She's my friend, now stop messing with her!"

The mermaids looked at Peter with a guilty look.

"Look" Peter said "This was our fault, we both touched the Ever orb at the same time and this happened".

"The Ever orb?" the mermaids said.

"What is that?" a mermaid asked.

"All we know is that it caused us to collided Wonderland and Neverland" Alice said "And we need it back in order to reverse this".

"Well good luck with that" a mermaid said "Tootles!"

The mermaids then went underwater and splashed their tails onto Peter and Alice.

"Yeah they don't like it when I hang out with other girls" Peter said as they got up and whipped the water off.

"I figured" Alice smirked.

Just then, they both saw a large grin appearing in a tree, and then the full body of the black with blue stripped Cheshire cat appeared.

"Cheshire cat!" Alice gasped as she ran to the tree "It's good to see you again".

"You too Alice" the cat grinned.

"This is Peter Pan" Alice pointed to Peter.

"Yeah I've heard about him" the cat said "And, I've been snooping around Hook's ship-".

"Hook?" Peter gasped.

"Yes, who else?" the cat grinned "Anyway, I over heard him talking with the Queen of Hearts about finding you 2 and getting their revenge".

"What?" they gasped.

"Wait, who's the queen?" Peter asked.

"She's the ruler of Wonderland who hates my guts" Alice said.

"And did I mention that they're also trying to find a way to separate the lands?" the cat asked, obviously knowing he didn't tell them.

"What if they're looking for the Ever orb?" Alice asked nervously.

"But we don't know if they even know about it" Peter put in.

"What's this Ever orb?" the cat asked as they explained about the orb which caused them to collide the lands.

"Chess" Alice said "Can you go back to do some more eavesdropping on them?"

"Maybe" the cat shrugged "I'll see" he grinned as he disappeared, leaving his grin behind for a few seconds, and then disappearing as well.

"That cat was kinda creepy" Peter said.

"Well you get used to that grin" Alice said "But seriously Peter, what if Hook and the queen are searching for the orb? They could do more with that orb, they might even use it to take over NeverWonderland!"

"We don't know that for sure" he said "But if they are, I know a place to hide it".

"I just hope that Tink and her friends got the orb, and hopefully they wont loose it".

As Peter and Alice walked away, they didn't see a jubjub bird coming from behind some bushes, it had heard the 2 talking about the orb, so it flew away to tell the queen.

Back at the queen's castle, Hook told Rose about the Ever orb.

"So you can use the orb to separate the lands?" Rose said.

"Not only that, you can use it to travel to any world and time period" Hook said "And it could also make anyone powerful".

"You mean like, more powerful?" Rose asked as she gave a small smile.

"Yes" Hook said.

"If I had that orb" Rose said "I can use it to get rid of Alice, and everyone will adore me".

"I've tried looking for it to defeat Peter Pan" Hook said "But it's been lost for centuries that it's nearly impossible to find".

"Oh James" Rose giggled "Where I come from, nothing is impossible".

Just then, the jubjub bird that had heard Peter and Alice talking had flown to the window.

"What is it?" Rose asked it as she petted it's beak. The bird told her about Peter and Alice and the orb.

"Alice is here?" Rose gasped.

"What did it say?" Hook asked.

"He says that Peter and Alice are here, and that he heard them talking about the Ever orb" Rose said.

"They must know where it is" Hook said.

"But we don't know where they are" Rose added, she then turned to the bird "Could you go and bring them to us?"

The jubjub bird nodded it's beak as it flew out the window in search for Peter and Alice.

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