Ch.3 The orb

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The sun shown through the window and into Alice's room, Alice then woke up and stretched. She looked around the room and noticed the that the chairs were still toppled over by Peter when he chased his shadow, so she knew it wasn't a dream, Peter had actually came to her room and they talked and bonded. She then got dressed in a blue dress, white apron, white tights, and black shoes, and she went down stairs for breakfast. When she came down, she was surprised to see Will at the table talking to her aunt.

"Oh good morning Alice" Will said.

"Um, good morning" she said confused.

"I invited Will to have breakfast with us" her aunt said as she took a sip of her tea.

Alice rolled her eyes when they weren't looking and she sat down. During breakfast, Alice couldn't stop thinking about Peter, of how he made her smile, how they bonded, his great looks, she couldn't wait to him tonight.

That night, Peter came back and they started to talk.

"So your aunt invited Will to breakfast this morning?" Peter said.

"Yep" Alice said "I can tell she did it cause she wanted me and him to bond, probably cause if bonded, we'll become friends, and then develop feelings for each other, and then the next we know we're in love, a marriage is planned, I do, and so on. When is she going to get it that I don't want to get married?"

"Well, sometimes parents want what's best for their kids" Peter said.

"I know, but, I don't think this is best for me. I don't want to grow up, I want to stay me and go on adventures. I don't care if people say I'm acting like a child and they tell me to grow up, I love being me".

"You sound just like me" Peter grinned.

"I figured" Alice grinned back.

After a moment of silence, Peter spotted something shiny in a hole in the wall.

"What is it?" Alice asked as she looked to where he was looking and saw the light.

They both went to the wall and got a closer look.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"I don't know" Alice said, she then put her fingers in the hole and began to break off the wall with Peter's help. After they had broken the pieces off, they found what appeared to be an orb.

"What is that?" Peter asked as Alice picked up the orb.

"Some kind of orb" Alice said as she examined the orb, they saw that the orb had a mix of different colors.

"It's beautiful" Alice said.

"Can I see?" Peter asked as he touched the orb, but all of a sudden, they felt a shock run through their bodies. They both got visions of what looked like Neverland falling from the sky, and Wonderland coming up from under ground, and then the 2 lands collided. The vision then stopped and they both gasped as they dropped the orb.

"What just happened?" Alice asked, a little dazed from the shock.

"I don't know" Peter said "Did you get a vision of what looked like Neverland falling from the sky?"

"And Wonderland coming up from under ground?" she finished.

"What was that about?"

They both looked at the orb they dropped, it wasn't cracked, it just looked the same. They were both scared to touch it again.

"What is this orb?" Alice asked.

Peter then touched the orb with his foot, but nothing happened. He then tapped the orb with his finger, but still nothing happened.

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