Ch. 4 English

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Chapter 4

I laughed at myself. I didn't look at Niall or Harry. I looked down at my books. I swear to god, if another one of them is in my class, imma flip a table, I said to myself. But I was interrupted by a name that made my stomach flip.

"Liam." My teacher announces.

I slowly looked up with my hand over my eyes and looked at Niall. He was smiling at the boy who's name was just called. I looked over to see Liam Payne in the corner of the room.

I put my head down on the table and almost started to cry. Hold yourself together! I focused my teary eyes on Harry, who had turned around by now. Niall touched my back and I jumped at least a foot, although I'm not sure, I'm still woozy from all this excitement. My teacher, Mr. Murk, started saying something about cell division but who could focus with 3/5 members of one direction sitting in one room?!

I sat on my stool, not even paying attention to the lesson. The bell rang, signaling the end of the hour. I stood up and grabbed my stuff. Niall scooted off the stool and waved to the other boys to come I've and join us. I could feel the tears again. Liam was the first over and he held out his hand towards me. I gently placed mine in his and he shook it so hard I thought my arm was going to fall off! Liam laughed hysterically and Niall said, "hey! Don't hurt poor Emilia!"

"Whoa whoa whoa...I'm not poor I'm actually quite strong," I folded my arms, "arm wrestle me anytime!" I joked. Liam shot me back the most serious look I think I've ever seen. I backed up a bit and stepped on Niall. I turned around and he just grabbed me in his arms.


I squeezed him back and he said, "wow you are strong."

I felt stupid. I didn't want to break his perfect body!

"Whoops." I smiled.

Harry joined us and grabbed my hand. Shivers went through my body. I looked into his eyes and he smiled at me.

"So, am I going to run into the other boys today?" I asked excitedly.

"Maybe. I'm not sure what their classes are." Harry said in a slow voice. I laughed a little at his slow, deep voice. I looked at the clock. I only had 2 minutes to get to English! I told them I needed to leave but they wouldn't let me. I told Liam I needed to get to English and he smiled. I knew he was going there too. I grabbed his hand and said, "lets go leeyum!" Niall and Harry had the same class right across the hall so I walked them there. Niall hugged me goodbye and I felt myself blushing.

"Have fun in English, love." Niall whispered in my ear. I felt the shivers come back again. I smiled and let go of his toned body. Liam was still holding my hand and he pulled me away from Niall.

"Bye Harry! Bye Niall!" I yelled.

"See ya later, mates!" Liam said.

They high-fived and continued into the class.

Liam, still holding my hand, said, "I'm glad we met you. You seem really cool. Louis and Zayn need to meet you too."

I felt the tears start filling up my eyes.


"Yeah! I would love to meet them. You guys are so cool when you aren't surrounded by millions of screaming girls." I shyly looked at the ground.

"Yeah. It gets pretty crazy." He said.

We walked together to English and we walked in together, still holding hands. All the girls started staring. I looked down at the arm the was against mine and noticed our fingers were entwined. I let go and laughed a Liam. I sat at my seat in the back but my teacher stopped Liam before he could sit down. I looked at his face and they were talking a out his seating arrangements, I could tell because be was pointing at the open desk next to me. I patted the seat and he laughed at the noise. I giggled and he turned from Ms. Forks and sat in the seat. I looked at him a clapped. He clapped along with me.

"Ahhhh... Zayn it's lovely to finally see you." I heard Ms. Forks say loudly.

Liam and I both turned at the same time to see a panting Zayn leaning on a desk.

"This school is bloody huge!" He said in between breathes.

Great! I've met 4/5 members of one direction.

Zayn walked over to a desk in front of Liam. Liam grabbed Zayn's hood turned his head towards me.

"Hi. I'm Emilia. Liam's new best friend!" I looked over at Liam who was giggling.

"Ello Emilia. It's nice to meet you."

"Ok Emilia. Stop talking and listen to me." Ms. Forks said.


Ms. Forks proceeded with the lesson about Literary terms and I could see Liam was completely lost. I took his spiral and drew a little smilie face. He grabbed it back and doodled a few more characteristics including a four leaf clover and a leprechaun hat. Niall. I laughed and covered my mouth because I realized I had just laughed out loud. Ms. Forks glared at me and shushed me. I laughed because that was just ridiculous.

Ms. Forks continued the boring lecture and I looked over at Zayn who seemed to be sleeping on his desk. I threw a piece of paper at him and he didn't move a muscle. God that boy can sleep. Liam threw a pen at him and the guy next to him poked him a few times. Liam and I started to giggle and I couldn't believe it but he woke up. I looked at him confused. He crossed his eyes and smiled. I grinned at his face and he turned around.

The end of the hour was 2 minutes away and Ms. Forks gave us time to talk. I turned towards Liam.

"You know, Niall seems to have a crush on you." He winked.

I almost didn't hear him but was I caught was Niall and crush. I laughed out loud. "Yeahh... WAIT WHAT?!"

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