Ch. 30 "Nothing...Nothing at all."

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Chapter 30

After trying to explain to my mom where I had been for the past 3 days was difficult. I didn't want to lie but I felt that I had to. To my surprise my mom believed me when I told her I spent the nights at Natalie's house. I usually spend a lot of time at her house so it wasn't really put of the ordinary.

Now I was up in my room thinking about what was happening. Perrie being pregnant, me going to New York with Niall, and Liam's birthday coming up. I picked up my phone scrolled through my messages that Niall had sent me. He kept updating me on Perrie and when she was going to get out of the hospital.

I laid down on my bed and threw my arms over the side. I took a deep sigh and tried to calm down and figure out how I was going to tell my mom I was going to New York this summer. I could lie and tell her that Natalie surprised me...or that my cousin Cam who lives there invited me out...or the truth. I don't think she would be able to handle the truth about all this. I can't believe she actually thinks I broke up with Niall. I explained that I told him I didn't want to be in public with him and she bought it!

I felt my phone buzz again. I picked up and swiped it open. A message from Niall.


Skype? :)

I quickly sat up, smiled at the message and looked around for my laptop. I stood up and searched all over my room. It was nowhere. I decided to text him back,

Trying to find my laptop babe. Give me a few? :)

I didn't get a response so I kept throwing pillows and blankets around. Finally I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw my mom holding my laptop in her arms.

"Looking for this?" She sighed.

"Yeah!" I reached for it but her arms pulled away.

"Can I have it?" I asked.

"You lied to me. You told me you were completely over with that boy. I told you that I forbid you from seeing him. How long have you two been together? What have you two done?" She questioned.

I sighed and covered my eyes with my hand.

"It's a VERY long story mom." I told her.

"I have time." By now her arms were crossed and I knew she meant business.

"Fine. I'll tell you but you have to promise not to say anything until AFTER I'm done." I ordered.

"Fair enough." She huffed.

I let her step inside and she gasped at my messy room.

"I was looking for my laptop." I grumbled.

"You will clean this up." She said as she sat on my bed. I glided over to my desk chair and pulled it out in front of her. I placed my phone on the desk beside me.

"Well, it all started with geometry..."


After explaining my whole story about meeting Niall, I looked at my mother who was trying to process all of it. I decided to leave out the part about us sleeping together because that would be too much for her I think.

"How long have you two been dating?" She asked suddenly.

"About 3 weeks." I caught myself and realized its only been 3 weeks. It seems like its been months...

"Ok." Was all she could get out. She stood up from my bed, leaving the laptop on the bed. I watched as she left my room and closed the door. What could she be thinking? I sighed and grabbed my phone to see that I had 6 missed messages. One was from Niall and the rest from Natalie.

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