Ch. 34 Dinner

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Chapter 34

It was almost 7.

I agreed to having dinner with Wesley before going off to New York. I sat in my bedroom. I looked at the suitcases that were packed laying in the corner. I realized that I had spent a lot of time in my room. From getting my first Barbie doll house to my first Skype call with Niall. I looked around and saw my old blanket from when I was a child. It was what helped me go to my first day at summer camp, my first sleepover, and my first day of kindergarten. I watched as the second hand on my lonely wall clock ticked past the twelve, letting another minute get closer to 7.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. It cracked open and my mom stepped inside.

"Hi mom." I smiled.

"Hi baby." She sighed as she stepped closer to my bed.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure I got to say goodbye to you before we left." My mom sat on the bed next to me and grabbed my hand.

Her and her boyfriend were planning on going to Ireland for the summer. They wanted to formally meet Niall's parents and make sure they knew exactly who I was. I was really proud of my mom. She was very strong and I loved that about her. She never once let my sister and I be upset about our father leaving. She always knew how to make us happy even if she wasn't.

"You'll have a lot of fun with Mr. and Mrs. Horan. Trust me. I've Skyped with them before and they are the nicest people I know." I said.

"I know. Maura was very nice on the phone. I'm just worried about you going off to New York by yourself, with a boy, that's in a band, that's very famous, that has many fans, that has his own-"

"Mom! I know! Calm down." I interrupted. She smiled and hugged me really tight.

"I don't want my baby getting hurt. Or into any trouble." She smirked.

"Don't worry mom. I'll be careful."

"Ok, I have to go say goodbye to your sister. Make sure you thank Niall again for letting her come and your friends." Mom pointed to me as she left my room with a quick smile.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to the balcony. The sky was so clear the entire city skyline could be seen. The lights traveled up to the sky and glowed throughout the small clouds that were in the sky. My phone buzzed from the table and I ran over to it. It was a message from Wesley telling me he was almost to my house. I grabbed my purse and threw my phone and red lip gloss inside it.

I looked at my packed suitcases again and smiled at the thought of leaving for New York tomorrow. My perfect dream was coming true. How is my life real right now?

I walked out of my room and collided with Rachel. We both jumped when we hit each other.

"All packed?" She asked.

"Yeah. Have you talked to Harry?" I assumed he hadn't told her about Louis yet.

"No. Not in a few minutes why?" She laughed and I shrugged it off.

"Be home early so we get a good nights sleep for the plane tomorrow." She ordered.

"Will do sister dear." I waved and walked downstairs to the front door. I opened it and waited for Wesley's car to pull into the driveway.

My mom came downstairs with two filled suitcases in her hands. Each one made a loud thump as she dragged them down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I told you yesterday that I'm going out with Wesley." I said.

"I didn't remember that." She said putting her bags down.

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