Ch. 33 Meetings

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Chapter 33

I opened the glass door that seemed to reach the sky and walked up to the round desk in the center of the room. A woman wearing a suit and talking on the phone nodded at me. She pointed behind her towards the elevator. I followed the elevator with my eyes all the way up to the ceiling.

"Floor 13." She whispered while holding the bottom of the phone.

"Thank you." I mumbled and walked slowly over to the elevator. I pressed the small round button as I approached the doors. This place was huge.

The doors opened with a 'bing' and I stepped inside the giant elevator and pushed the 13 button. The doors closed slowly and the words "Welcome to Modest! Management."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Ugh what could we possibly have to talk about? Did Niall get in trouble for Skyping me today? I hope I didn't... Wait. I'm mad at him. Why should I care?! I let out a huff and I felt my nose scrunch up. The elevator began to move and I leaned against the wall. I looked at myself in the mirror across from me. Should I have worn something nice? Nah. It's not a formal meeting or anything. Right?

The elevator suddenly stopped at floor 4 and a man with a suit got on. He was holding a briefcase and he nodded and smiled. I noticed that he didn't press any buttons for a floor.

"Are you going up to 13 too?" I asked.

"Yes. I am." He sounded surprised.

"For a meeting with Niall?" I sighed.

"Why, yes. Who are you? How did you find out he was here?" He asked sharply.

"I'm Emily. Niall's girlfriend." I choked out the last part and held out my hand.

"It's lovely to meet you dear. I'm Sam Lottings. A manager of Mr. Horan's affairs." He smiled and gently shook my hand.

"Wow so Niall's been cheating on me too?" I laughed.

"Not those kinds of affairs." He said with a slight laugh.

"What is this meeting about? Nobody is telling me anything..." I said crossing my arms again.

"Well, Emily, Niall told us about you and him going to New York. And how you "broke up" a few weeks ago. See One Direction is supposed to go to the premier of their movie and we wanted you to be there because of the positive feedback we've gotten on you from the fans. All the guys will be there and Sophia, and Perrie. We wanted you to be there with Niall." He explained.

Well geee what am I supposed to say to this? No? Of course not.

"Wow. I didn't know that's why he wanted to bring me. He didn't say anything about that. Wait what about Eleanor?" I asked.

"Well, that's a part of the meeting too. We needed to talk to everyone about Louis and Eleanor, and Harry and your sister." Sam explained.

"What about them?" I questioned.

Just then the elevator stopped on the 9th floor and Louis stepped on.

"Louis!" I shouted.

"Emily?! What are you doing here?" He said quickly as he grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm here for this meeting.." I said squeezing him back.

After Louis let me go, I looked at his face. He hasn't shaved and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. I felt worried because he's usually cheery and has some color in his cheeks. There was nothing.

"Are you alright Louis?" I asked quietly forgetting Sam was still here.

"Yeah. Just been stressed lately." He said and I could see tears start to form in his pale blue eyes.

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